9 to 5 by Harley Schwadron for March 05, 2025

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    Pickled Pete  1 day ago
    Maybe blame it on tariffs..
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    bluecat  1 day ago

    Who chose the algorithms?

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  3. Mural me75
    mirwin49 Premium Member about 19 hours ago

    “Blame it on Cain

    Don’t blame it on me

    Oh, oh, oh, it’s nobody’s fault

    But we need somebody to burn"

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    ferddo  about 18 hours ago

    Had to ditch two financial advisors over the years who were like the cartoon.

    Got clued into needing to ditch the first one when he answered the phone with a “don’t blame me speech” before I had gotten to say a word. I was just calling to set up a regular appointment. His automatic defensiveness got me to look closer at our track record, and to call around to other people who used him – turned out everybody was upset that suddenly he was spending a lot more time on the golf course than he was vetting investment picks. And both of his games were going down the tubes.

    Second one told me, after I had been following his advise for several years, that I would never be able to afford retirement if I kept investing as he had been advising. Then came a hard sales pitch… When I transferred my account to another firm he was shocked, even when I told him that I was following his advice that his advice was unsound.

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    wildlandwaters  about 17 hours ago

    blame AL? …who’s AL??

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