To Gweedo, Godfreydaniel, Dry, Linda Dean, Chalkie, Afficionado, Number Six and anyone else who I’ve told or have read themselves about my Dr. Appointment.
My appointment went very well. Doctor checked my BP which was 131/85 and she also checked my height and weight which she said was perfect. I’m now on the medication which I’ll be starting tonight before I go to bed and in 3 months time I’ll have to see the nurse to get my BP check again in case it shoots up like a rocket.
The meds won’t prevent me from donating blood so I can continue doing that.
Gweedo, Thank you for your comment yesterday. I hope everything goes well for you just as it has for me when you go for your check up.
Beviek & Chalkie, I’m familiar with the term ‘Pie Hole’ by the way… I was just a bit confused when Chalkie brought it up ‘out of the blue’ but Thank you to Chalkie for his nice comment yesterday … It meant a lot and made me feel better along with Gweedo’s input.
Mikeyj, I’m glad I don’t bore you all… I kept thinking I did.
Dry, Don’t worry I’m fine… I’m just trying meds for a while as I feel they might help to ‘balance me out’ I can’t really go into a lot of detail on here but thank you for your concern but don’t waste your prayers on me. LOL.
I’ve joined the ‘medication ranks’ now but I know I’ll manage.Thank you to everyone who I mentioned for all your great support…
To Gweedo, Godfreydaniel, Dry, Linda Dean, Chalkie, Afficionado, Number Six and anyone else who I’ve told or have read themselves about my Dr. Appointment.
My appointment went very well. Doctor checked my BP which was 131/85 and she also checked my height and weight which she said was perfect. I’m now on the medication which I’ll be starting tonight before I go to bed and in 3 months time I’ll have to see the nurse to get my BP check again in case it shoots up like a rocket.
The meds won’t prevent me from donating blood so I can continue doing that.
Gweedo, Thank you for your comment yesterday. I hope everything goes well for you just as it has for me when you go for your check up.
Beviek & Chalkie, I’m familiar with the term ‘Pie Hole’ by the way… I was just a bit confused when Chalkie brought it up ‘out of the blue’ but Thank you to Chalkie for his nice comment yesterday … It meant a lot and made me feel better along with Gweedo’s input.
Mikeyj, I’m glad I don’t bore you all… I kept thinking I did.
Dry, Don’t worry I’m fine… I’m just trying meds for a while as I feel they might help to ‘balance me out’ I can’t really go into a lot of detail on here but thank you for your concern but don’t waste your prayers on me. LOL.
I’ve joined the ‘medication ranks’ now but I know I’ll manage.Thank you to everyone who I mentioned for all your great support…
You’re simply the best.