Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for October 28, 2013

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    Varnes  over 11 years ago

    What a sweet talker…

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    CPOChuckG  over 11 years ago

    I missed it. I slept through that third.

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    Sabrejack Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Still great after all these years

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    jeanie5448  over 11 years ago

    I used to think that also but now that I am retired I get so bored I LOOK for things to do just to keep busy. I also get up at the same time I did when I worked, every day…….sigh!

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  5. Burrowing owl attack
    emjaycee  over 11 years ago

    Nothing personal, but your doctor needs some updating on sleep apnea. My mom stayed with me for a week and did not get a lick of sleep except when I was out of the house at work. Evidently, I snore worse than my father does (she counted to 30 between inhalation and exhalation). Worse yet, she tried to rouse me to get me to turn over and breathe; in return for her kindness and concern, I growled at her and nearly broke her nose with a backhanded punch. I now have an appointment at a sleep clinic. Good luck with your situation.

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    dwayne1943  over 11 years ago

    I been retired for over 10 years, and love it! No one to tell me what to do an when, except for early mornings doctor’s appointments, ugh ! Live alone and love that too ! 70 and loving it ! At my age no one expects much from me——LOL !

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