Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for October 21, 1991
October 20, 1991
October 22, 1991
Sigh What's wrong? My father has it... His father had it... And now it's finally happened to me! What? The credit cards, the receipts, the baby pictures... It all adds up to the inevitable result. What?? Dad wallet. Whoa! Major case!
J-Yoshi64 over 2 years ago
Zoe explained this phenomenon to Hammie, but she called it Dad butt. Another similar strain she told him about is Mom bag.
Sherlock5 over 1 year ago
Will cell phones spell the end of the dad wallet? You can take and store photos on it, pay at the checkout with it, keep electronic receipts…
Olivia_The_Cat over 1 year ago
So true. My father, despite everything being electronic now, still keeps a packed full wallet.
cholomanaba 12 months ago
no room for paper money?
ToneeRhianRose 3 months ago
Also causes a bad back sitting on all that!