So if you’re not familiar with the greater Tacklefordverse, you may be wondering things like “what kind of guy might Mildred have a crush on?” or “who is the love of Erin Winters’ life?”. And today you get the answer! (Hint: it ain’t Pepper.) But I’m fairly certain this is The Boy’s sole appearance in Bad Machinery, so you’d need to go back to Scary Go Round or read New Bobbins to find out more.
(He kinda let himself go after his first girlfriend (Esther) cheated on him within two weeks of starting university. He didn’t always look like a ginger Orson Welles. He would, however, spend some time as a horse in Hell, so there’s that.) (NFT is such a useful phrase.)
Also, Lottie arguing with Pepper about his (in)ability to fight a kangaroo is adorable.
So if you’re not familiar with the greater Tacklefordverse, you may be wondering things like “what kind of guy might Mildred have a crush on?” or “who is the love of Erin Winters’ life?”. And today you get the answer! (Hint: it ain’t Pepper.) But I’m fairly certain this is The Boy’s sole appearance in Bad Machinery, so you’d need to go back to Scary Go Round or read New Bobbins to find out more.
(He kinda let himself go after his first girlfriend (Esther) cheated on him within two weeks of starting university. He didn’t always look like a ginger Orson Welles. He would, however, spend some time as a horse in Hell, so there’s that.) (NFT is such a useful phrase.)
Also, Lottie arguing with Pepper about his (in)ability to fight a kangaroo is adorable.