Thanks for all your comments about Penny last night. She does pretty well with dealing with her hearing loss. With all the dogs I have had I have always taught them verbal and hand signal commands. So now with Penny I just use hand signals. One really funny side note. Penny has a lot of trouble walking on our hardwood floors as her feet tend to slide. She figured out how walking backwards made it easier. She has gotten so proficient at it that she can walk backwards at a fast clip and it is funny to watch. I am thinking of recording it and putting it on youtube.
Thanks for all your comments about Penny last night. She does pretty well with dealing with her hearing loss. With all the dogs I have had I have always taught them verbal and hand signal commands. So now with Penny I just use hand signals. One really funny side note. Penny has a lot of trouble walking on our hardwood floors as her feet tend to slide. She figured out how walking backwards made it easier. She has gotten so proficient at it that she can walk backwards at a fast clip and it is funny to watch. I am thinking of recording it and putting it on youtube.