Wow, I’m impressed!
Very nice work, Wayne.
Horse building and riding are very popular pastimes on Ballard St.
There are people playing horsey in costumes, whether home made or purchased…
StelBel can hardly keep horse costumes in stock at the costume annex…
and there are dozens and dozens of wooden horses.
But Wayne’s horse stands out for its artistry.
Of course most of the horse builders try to make them artistic….
But some are better at it than others….
With some, form follows function….
And a few…. sadly…. might want to practice a LOT ….
or even… sigh….. find another hobby….
But still… wooden horse riding is not considered unusual,
in this wonderfully accepting neighborhood.
I feel so at home here!
And Dennis!
I saw one of her horses .. they’re wonderful!
They do start out as scrap and found wood …
but after assembly, the life size wooden models are cast in bronze,
Wow, I’m impressed!
Very nice work, Wayne.
Horse building and riding are very popular pastimes on Ballard St.
There are people playing horsey in costumes, whether home made or purchased…
StelBel can hardly keep horse costumes in stock at the costume annex…
and there are dozens and dozens of wooden horses.
But Wayne’s horse stands out for its artistry.
Of course most of the horse builders try to make them artistic….
But some are better at it than others….
With some, form follows function….
And a few…. sadly…. might want to practice a LOT ….
or even… sigh….. find another hobby….
But still… wooden horse riding is not considered unusual,
in this wonderfully accepting neighborhood.
I feel so at home here!
And Dennis!
I saw one of her horses .. they’re wonderful!
They do start out as scrap and found wood …
but after assembly, the life size wooden models are cast in bronze,