Meanwhile…. I want to thank everybody for the wonderful birthday party…. especially StelBel, if you see this, Stel…
but also YOU….
If you stopped by, left a comment…wished me a happy birthday….
Wow, you helped make it great.
I didn’t expect it, and I was thrilled..
I went out for a while this evening… had dinner with a friend whose birthday was also recent.
Didn’t get home till the page had turned on the comics
I tried to catch up… Hope I didn’t miss thanking anybody or replying to your comments, even if I did it late.
Believe me, I’m grateful for every one of you and every word!
Meanwhile…. I want to thank everybody for the wonderful birthday party…. especially StelBel, if you see this, Stel…
but also YOU….
If you stopped by, left a comment…wished me a happy birthday….
Wow, you helped make it great.
I didn’t expect it, and I was thrilled..
I went out for a while this evening… had dinner with a friend whose birthday was also recent.
Didn’t get home till the page had turned on the comics
I tried to catch up… Hope I didn’t miss thanking anybody or replying to your comments, even if I did it late.
Believe me, I’m grateful for every one of you and every word!