Why lose? I didn’t play the stripper and tipped her about 20% of my winnings. Pretty good money for an hour giving me a lap dance I was very familiar with and distracting the heck out of my opponent. Then I had sex with the girl in the roof garden we thought was closed, and received a standing ovation from the customers. Win, win, win and win. Definitely one of the top forty nights of my life.
zero over 11 years ago
You haven’t lived until you get a lap dance while playing backgammon. Also a valid excuse for losing!
JusSayin over 11 years ago
Why lose? I didn’t play the stripper and tipped her about 20% of my winnings. Pretty good money for an hour giving me a lap dance I was very familiar with and distracting the heck out of my opponent. Then I had sex with the girl in the roof garden we thought was closed, and received a standing ovation from the customers. Win, win, win and win. Definitely one of the top forty nights of my life.
Coyoty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Well, the guy IS supposed to be a client.
ekw555 over 11 years ago
not sure which amuses me more -Scott in his smoking jacket, smokingorold style Rick (?) dressed as Colonel Sanders.
Enoki over 11 years ago
Strip backgammon, I am so there!
MeGoNow Premium Member over 11 years ago
Avoid the backgammon table. That King of the Moon guy probably cheats. (But probably still loses, anyway.)
PoodleGroomer over 11 years ago
Have her work as a stripper while he is there and then listen to her honest opinion the next day.