B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for May 20, 2015

  1. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    He mad his big hit with Warner Brothers

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  2. Unnamed
    gypsyblue  almost 10 years ago

    LOVE IT!

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  3. Ktf 2 12 2023 1
    Wren Fahel  almost 10 years ago

    When I saw something that’s not quite funny, one of my daughters will say, “Cricket…cricket…”

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    emptc12  almost 10 years ago

    On old television shows, laugh tracks made bad jokes seem funny. For everyday life, there’s probably a cell-phone app for it. If there isn’t — gee, I hope I didn’t give anybody the idea to make one.

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  5. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  almost 10 years ago

    The only good cricket is a silent cricket !!!

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  6. Ipod pics 009
    Karaboo2  almost 10 years ago

    On the lighter side……..he can sure light up a room.

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    neverenoughgold  almost 10 years ago

    I think Jiminy Cricket was a Disney creation; as I recall, for Pinocchio…

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  8. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 10 years ago

    So that’s who I keep hearing after my posts!

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  9. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  almost 10 years ago


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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    I liked the one in Hercules The Legendary Journeys (ies?) in which they are brainstorming the future of the series, focus on each one and hear their thoughts.

    .Everytime they focus on Bruce Campbell Junior, the sound is of a slow drip in a large, nearly empty tank.

    very funny

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    Jest Phulin  almost 10 years ago

    Wait, isn’t that a start of a joke about rabbits? Those are never funny.

    Also, jokes involving stereotypes are often offensive, I know.

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  12. Ralphziggy
    RalphZIggy  almost 10 years ago

    You’re not even a Rabbi, get the chip off your shoulder.

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  13. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 10 years ago

    So…A Rabbi and a Minister walk into a bar..Bartender takes one look at them and says..“Is this some kind of a joke?”…..If I could rub my legs together like a cricket I would happily Chirp too!

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  14. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    A priest a rabbi and a political activist walk into a bar. Taking stock, they realize that none of them has a dime. The rabbi says, “Don’t look at me. I don’t know anybody here.” The priest pulls out a gold-plated dish and passes it around. It never comes back. The political activist pulls out a lighter and shouts, “If you don’t turn over all your money now, this flame will destroy your children’s world!”

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    A Lutheran pastor, a Catholic priest and a Rabbi were fishing from a boat a hundred feet from the lake shore. The pastor had to make a trip to the port-a-potty located on the shore, so he got out of the boat, walked across the water and in the same matter, came back to the boat after he was finished.

    A little later, the priest had to make the trip also. He got out of the boat, walked across the water, visited the bathroom and in the same manner, came back to the boat.

    Still later, the rabbi needed to go ashore. He got out of the boat and immediately sank. The pastor looked at the priest and said,“Do you think we should’ve told him where the rocks are?”

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