Too many legs for Capn. Ahab. Nor 8 nor 6, must be from when I was 12 and separating them from their torso’s. Yes, in the 50s I sat for hours on our warm gravel driveway next to an anthill with my trusty magnifying glass. I can almost smell it. Now a retired Elect. Engr. just looking for a date and something to do.
KA7DRE Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Geeeez, he even bent up his antennae !
TexTech almost 6 years ago
I’ll bet the anteater would love to meet Lenny.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Well. I would have NEVER guessed that Lenny was a “Thump” Supporter!
danketaz Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Gotta watch out for them Daddy Longlegs.
Watcher almost 6 years ago
Lenny is a scout for the Army Ants.
Troglodyte almost 6 years ago
So who’s your daddy, Lenny?
jagedlo almost 6 years ago
a follow-up to yesterday’s “BC”…
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I guess he did not think you were friends of Hagrid. Though that may not matter much anyway.
zeexenon almost 6 years ago
Too many legs for Capn. Ahab. Nor 8 nor 6, must be from when I was 12 and separating them from their torso’s. Yes, in the 50s I sat for hours on our warm gravel driveway next to an anthill with my trusty magnifying glass. I can almost smell it. Now a retired Elect. Engr. just looking for a date and something to do.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 6 years ago
The bigger they are the harder they hit.
heathcliff2 almost 6 years ago
Call Clint Eastwood. He took care of the last spider who was out of control.