Maybe my grandkids were not that observant, or maybe they were too polite to mention the hair in my nose. I DO pluck them now but don’t remember doing so when the grandkids were little.
My answer would’ve been what I often heard growing up, “To make little girls ask questions!” (And pulling OUT nose hairs? Use your husband’s nose trimmers lady!)
pschearer Premium Member over 6 years ago
My eyes are watering.
pcolli over 6 years ago
She was cursed by the evil witch for asking too many questions.
sfreader1 over 6 years ago
Maybe my grandkids were not that observant, or maybe they were too polite to mention the hair in my nose. I DO pluck them now but don’t remember doing so when the grandkids were little.
Homeward Premium Member over 6 years ago
My answer would’ve been what I often heard growing up, “To make little girls ask questions!” (And pulling OUT nose hairs? Use your husband’s nose trimmers lady!)
MCProfessor over 6 years ago
The older I get, the thinner the hair on my head and the thicker my ear and nose hair!
Mariah13 over 6 years ago
Nose hair serves a purpose… hope she doesn’t pluck them all out!