Don´t mind them winning, but I do mind them only being able to win if they have the cards stacked in their favor. Since honestly can anyone say they won then (unless corrupt).
Nate, albeit “stupid-stitious”, has a point: Elmwood won via a bad call (and a hand-baller who may likely keep the secret for the rest of his life.) just as much as that “hex” hokum.Besides, obnoxiousness is an art in which Nate is well versed. It stings a bit to see someone best you at one of your most well-honed skills!! NOW……..tomorrow’s Halloween: more fun & frolic from the Wright household!! Get the eggs, Hughie!
Now, Nate…you guys reacted the same way when you snapped Jefferson’s four-year undefeated streak…But I’ll cut him a little slack; that was the worst call since Walt Coleman felony-robbed the Raiders in the “tuck rule” game.
Now, now, wait, wait. It’s TUESDAY. Maybe by Friday, they’ll see what happened on that hand goal. Maybe they’ll spot it in the newspaper! You HAVE TO HOPE
SackofRabidWeasels about 12 years ago
Just cut him. P.S. 38 would be swimming in championships if it weren’t for Nate.
Trollbridge about 12 years ago
I’m disappointed Nate didn’t get scored on again, while his teammates were gathered around and whining. Oh well.
Gator007 about 12 years ago
Time for a new key board.
frumdebang about 12 years ago
Yes, you can. I installed one on my niece’s laptop to bring it back to life. (Should I repeat this reply nine times to make you comfortable?)
Feed Me Comics! about 12 years ago
I use my laptop too.
kullyrai about 12 years ago
Wait, when did referees start using guns/pistols at games?? Is this for “protection” to stop people from abusing/attacking him?
Tue Elung-Jensen about 12 years ago
Don´t mind them winning, but I do mind them only being able to win if they have the cards stacked in their favor. Since honestly can anyone say they won then (unless corrupt).
James Hopkins about 12 years ago
I wonder if the Soviet hockey team felt that way when the US beat them in 1980?
Number Runner about 12 years ago
It still wrong, a hollow victory!Shame Mr. Peirce for fostering wrong behavior into a false win.
orbenjawell Premium Member about 12 years ago
Nate, albeit “stupid-stitious”, has a point: Elmwood won via a bad call (and a hand-baller who may likely keep the secret for the rest of his life.) just as much as that “hex” hokum.Besides, obnoxiousness is an art in which Nate is well versed. It stings a bit to see someone best you at one of your most well-honed skills!! NOW……..tomorrow’s Halloween: more fun & frolic from the Wright household!! Get the eggs, Hughie!
Mopman about 12 years ago
This really is the worst ref ever. No soccer ref uses a gun. How does he signal a foul, he shoots the gun?
BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:) about 12 years ago
I HATE THAT REF SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY?WHY????????
BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:) about 12 years ago
BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:) about 12 years ago
Mopman about 12 years ago
I would say how ever many do only do it once.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago
Chad I suggest you run before Nate decides to beat you up for jinxing the match!!
hometownk Premium Member about 12 years ago
You need a new keyboard. lol
hometownk Premium Member about 12 years ago
I love trying to decipher your messages with the occasional R missing. lol
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
It’s a tainted win. That team will have to live with that knowledge the rest of their lives. Bwahahahahahaha
joegeethree about 12 years ago
So this is where the NFL replacement refs came from. And the wrong sport to boot!
byamrcn about 12 years ago
Now, Nate…you guys reacted the same way when you snapped Jefferson’s four-year undefeated streak…But I’ll cut him a little slack; that was the worst call since Walt Coleman felony-robbed the Raiders in the “tuck rule” game.
calvinsfriend110 about 12 years ago
I hated it when the other team won and was all like that.
CougarAllen about 12 years ago
Pop off the R key with two screwdrivers. Clean under it with a Q-tip. Pop it back on.
-Cougar :{)
kenivlikesbignate about 12 years ago
wow (sarcastically)
big nate yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy about 12 years ago
$#@!&%$ YOU CHAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excitement about 12 years ago
Why does the ref have a gun!?!?!?!?
The#1BoiseStateFan about 12 years ago
Now, now, wait, wait. It’s TUESDAY. Maybe by Friday, they’ll see what happened on that hand goal. Maybe they’ll spot it in the newspaper! You HAVE TO HOPE
Deoxor about 12 years ago
…Chad? You do realize that NATE is the one saying that, right???
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
hard to believe these were the guys who beat jefferson!!!!
Tater over 10 years ago
Yes, they do, Nate!
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
i can’t believe these are the guys who once beat jefferson!
[Unnamed Reader - 9f6a98] over 6 years ago
Fire the ref
ComicFan4Life almost 5 years ago
XD XD XD best victory party I have seen in comic strips
plantjudge17 over 4 years ago
I will post the final clue tommorow and If you get it Nice job. GL and have fun
ThatManBatman over 4 years ago
@Cleanjudge15 where is it
CHBAC over 4 years ago
Their losing streak may be over but their cheating streak just started
rey mondia about 4 years ago
This is so crazy for everyone.
hockey man almost 4 years ago
ok, you won a game. Big deal
Sokka the Great almost 2 years ago
Aw let them celebrate. It may be another 5 years before they win again
Magmate :) 8 months ago
Decent birthday strip.