Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 07, 2014
Have a seat, Nate. Have a seat? I shouldn't even be here! Gina complained about me, and of course Mrs. Godfrey took her side! All I was doing was breathing! That's all? You didn't scream at Mrs. Godfrey, "I can't help how I stinkin' breathe"? Scream? What? No! I didn't scream! I heard you from here. It may have had a faintly screamish quality.
Agent54 over 10 years ago
And yet school administrators can not figure out why some kids have gone Postal in the recent years.
Nachikethass over 10 years ago
So he screamed – so what? The teacher cannot be fair or calm – how do you expect the student to be?
This from an ex-teacher with 10 years’ experience.
Comisftw over 10 years ago
Nate was telling the truth.Then he started screaming and lost his argument.
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
hey if you’re told to stop BREATHING, what’re you SUPPOSED to do?? STOP BREATHING???
Tater over 10 years ago
Wow. Nate’s yell must have been pretty loud.
jwondga over 10 years ago
I don’t blame Nate one tiny bit for being upset. Not one little bit.
NightHawk2005 over 10 years ago
As usual, Nate doesn’t have a case at all. He could have easily chosen to just breathe quieter and his problem would have been over in five seconds. At this point, Nate is just looking for any excuse to hate Mrs. Godfrey.
John Allen Premium Member over 10 years ago
Yes, he does have a case. Breathing? Gina needs to develop some patients. This line of comics is getting old.
Neon Boy Of Wonder over 10 years ago
Nate, just move to a different school. You would not have to be there
route66paul over 10 years ago
If he had listened and tried to stop breathing, he couldn’t have screamed.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Agreed Nate.
Michelle Morris over 10 years ago
Here’s an idea: MOVE GINA!!!!
orbenjawell Premium Member over 10 years ago
He HAD a case…..then he blew it!! You can’t yell at a teacher. Like years ago, when Charlie Brown lost it after miss-spelling “maze” in the class spelling bee: BECAUSE I BLEW THE STUPID SPELLING BEE, THAT’S WHY!!!!! Same result: straight to the principal’s office!!
N over 10 years ago
HAHAH, gosh, how annoying is Mrs. Godfrey!!
Agent54 over 10 years ago
@NightHawk2005You appear to have a social problem with people being what they are and should be what you expect. There are many real reasons many people "
Big Nate LOVER over 10 years ago
i love gina :) idk why shes just awsome
Bignatefan2002 over 10 years ago
If Nate gets in trouble…
HalberCon over 4 years ago
he must have said it really loud then
dodmonk10 almost 4 years ago
let that boy breathe gina
FootballFanatic101 over 3 years ago
n8torious (Daily comic reviewer) about 3 years ago
This was my 7th birthday.
doctorwho29 over 1 year ago
Yeah he screamed because he reached his breaking point with a very messed up teacher
BigNateFanForever1 about 1 year ago
It’s insane how biased they all are against Nate