Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for March 11, 2016
Wanna hear something unbelievable? Mrs. Czerwicki never reads comic strips! Why is that so unbelievable? I don't read 'em either. Wait what? But, she has an excuse! She's old! you're a kid! and kids read comics! Not me. Don't like 'em. Mrs. Czerwicki, I'd like to report a crime against humanity. Well, then how lucky that we're already in detention.
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
Who let all the Philistines into the school!?!
Dee Dee Holloway almost 9 years ago
What did movies do to u kid?
Trond Sätre Premium Member almost 9 years ago
You were born in the wrong decade, Nate. Also, most likely, in the wrong century.
FlashFan1234 almost 9 years ago
GET OUT OF THERE NATE, DROP THE SMOKE PELLETS AND- oh right, you don’t have one.
iheartcomix123 almost 9 years ago
Once I had a teacher that gave me a D on my book report (well, it was actually a weekly letter we had to write to her about the books we were reading, but it’s pretty much the same thing as a book report) because I used a Big Nate book. I showed her the book (it was one of the novels) and she raised my grade, although I think she still gave me a late grade even though it wasn’t late. Sheesh!
Diane in comics land Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I was told (by a rather unreliable source) that people who read comics on a regular basis rank higher on intelligence tests than those who don’t. Since I’m a comics reader, I’m willing to believe it.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Sorry Nate.
GOgamix almost 9 years ago
longest detention ever
arunpannala2 almost 9 years ago
pschearer Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Let the punishment fit the crime.
ND Cool Z over 4 years ago
Not everyone has to have the same interests as you, Nate..
Mayor Orangutan over 3 years ago
I would say 1/5 kids today read the funnies. If this was in Lincoln Pierce’s age sure probably 4/5 kids read comic strips, but times change, man.