Big Top by Rob Harrell for March 17, 2022
Kingston: So, let's look at coolness as a journey. You can't rush it. Let's say you start out with some black lights and Zeppelin posters. So, then we let that settle awhile. What do you think your next step should be? Pete: A waterbed? Kingston: Whoa! Whoa! Tiny steps, grasshopper.
kingdiamond69 almost 3 years ago
I miss the days of black lights and posters my brother painted his room black and painted stars in black light reflective paint that was so cool .
Kroykali almost 3 years ago
Does anyone use a waterbed anymore?
Doctor Toon almost 3 years ago
My watered was cool until it sprung a leak, then it was too cool
ChessPirate almost 3 years ago
In my Black-Light Phase, my main poster was a bunch of Disney characters in, um, naughty poses…
ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ
Ermine Notyours almost 3 years ago
A finger point with toe and palm pads?