Orange is the New President: The Many Faces of Trump
by John Glynn
Now, I've learned the hard way not to get too political on this blog. Who can forget the backlash when it was revealed that I'd been diverting syndicate funds to Secretary of the Interior Albert Bacon Fall's re-election campaign prior to the Teapot Dome Scandal? And frankly, it would be small-minded and revisionist history for you to point out that Secretaries of the Interior get appointed, not elected.
But I will make a bipartisan claim that the relatively new president has sparked a whole lot of great work from the editorial cartoonists of the world. This montage of art above is just a small sample of the different takes on President Trump our editorial cartoonists (aka "EdCars") have done in the past few months.
I wonder if you could you identify the EdCars above? Can you? Will you? (don't look at the tags at the bottom of this post - but do hover your cursor over the image to check your work)
You might be interested to note that we are hearing from editors that they are hearing from readers that they are getting tired of the editorial cartoonists' "Trump bashing." Well, I don't know about you, but I love to go to a good bash, especially if they have some lovely cheese dips.
Larry Brown Premium Member almost 8 years ago
I am definitely tired of the Trump bashing. Get out of your alternative world and face reality.
Armand Bastionairre almost 8 years ago
@Larry I’m sure this week will be the end of it.
SamuelKranz almost 8 years ago
how did you make these
evsxrk almost 8 years ago
I recognized a number of the artists, but not all of them. Regardless, it’s true that he has inspired some great work. Frankly, I’d be happy not to ever have to see his face in the news again, even in cartoon form, but as long as he’s in the White House (or vacationing on the public’s dime), cartoonists will no doubt continue to use him for inspiration.
ransomknotts almost 8 years ago
@EVSXRK. When my cursor floated over the image the cartoonists, in order, were revealed. (It was pretty silly to bunch up the cartoonists at the bottom under COMIC FEATURES IN THIS STORY without putting them in order of appearance.) -——————————TOP ROW: Glenn McCoy, Robert Ariail, Stuart Carlson, Lalo Alcaraz, Pat Oliphant. 2ND ROW: Matt Davies, Matt Wuerker, Rob Rogers, Tom Toles, Ruben Bolling. 3RD ROW: Jeff Stahler, Matt Bors, Henry Payne, Jerry Holbert, Ted Rall.
doris sloan almost 8 years ago
Gotta find a comic page that doesn’t irritate me. The point of comics, for me anyway, is to smile and sometimes laugh. If the politics could be somewhere that didn’t hit me in the face when I opened the page, it would be really nice.
frenchiefrie10 almost 8 years ago
Soooo, soo many Trumps.
IcyDoll almost 8 years ago
I think that everyone can agree that everyone (some people) on this blog hates Donald Trump. :L
prisms almost 8 years ago
Trump is such a great opportunity for edcars! All are good, but why did you leave out David Horsey? He’s the best edcar ever!
GeorgeChristiansen1 almost 8 years ago
How incredibly original of you to mock Trump.
How about some genuine satire based on actual happening and quotes instead fo this BS?
rs almost 8 years ago
Sick to death of the anti Trump nonsense. Hope this guy has another career.
rs almost 8 years ago
Any such strip about Obama would have been met with boycotts and screams of racism, among other things. One would have to be pretty childish to not already be sick to death of these non-funny cheap shots at Trump.
sosaje over 7 years ago
Keep up the good work!
You don’t stop football, the opera, car racing, or anything, just because some people don’t enjoy them. People who don’t enjoy them: just don’t go.
As for Trump: telling the truth about Trump is not “bashing” him. He just is that bad. That’s why he had to pay to settle so many lawsuits, for fraud, for discrimination, and so on.
ineza over 7 years ago
@larrybrown a few months later, is your life better? No longer looking at his hue… we have Trump & family in collusion with the Russians , fire and fury “playing” with the nations life with nuclear weapons with Korea, waiting with a close 2nd to bush, on replying in the mess in charllottesville, (bush sitting in an elementary school with a dumb look on his face when NY was attacked) bush finished reading the picture book.How much worse can it get?!!!
Charliegirl Premium Member over 7 years ago
Bash away as long as he acts like a buffoon!
cmxx over 7 years ago
@sosaje You are so right! Telling the truth (giving the actual facts) about someone’s actions isn’t bashing. Saying that telling the truth about him is bashing is exactly what Trump does: he makes up lies to try to make himself look good. It’s the pretense defense. :Definition of pretense1 : a claim made or implied; especially : one not supported by fact
NancyParker almost 5 years ago
I never tire of anti-trump cartoons, call it bashing or not. The snarkier the better, I say. I only wish we were talking about in past tense.
arny1939 over 4 years ago
Keep up the good work, it’s not everyday you get a great character to trash, he’s tall, very large everywhere, has a pumpkin head with two white eye sockets, A perpetual lier or he has a poor memory for facts, no sense of humor And he has a his philosophy of himself (I’m right your wrong, I’m big your small, I’m smart your dumb, I’m bald your not)