Emoji Day Comics Define Life In The Digital Age
by The GoComics TeamEmoji are, by any measure, the greatest sociological, technological and spiritual achievement of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Invented in Japan in the '90s as a kind of advancement for text-based smileys, smartphones like the iPhone and Android devices popularized the Unicode characters to the point that now they're constantly advancing to suit the needs of... every single person on the planet. Seriously. Do you remember when your parents started texting you with emoji unironically? We live in the Emoji Era. The Emoji Age. This is the dawning of the Age of Emojiokus.
The only downside to emoji is that sometimes their meaning can be nebulous, causing confusion or even a misunderstanding between sender and receiver. Occasionally a literal icon for, say, a benign food item can be commandeered by meme-sters for fun or even nefarious purposes. Can't an eggplant just be an eggplant?! But emoji misuses can easily be avoided by tirelessly obsessing over trending topics on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat and half dozen other social networks. Easy, right? Know your memes and emoji in peace.
Off the Mark By Mark Parisi Feb 1, 2015
FoxTrot By Bill Amend Nov 9, 2014
Garfield By Jim Davis Jan 22, 2017
Non Sequitur By Wiley Miller May 4, 2016
Drabble By Kevin Fagan Sept 19, 2016
Off the Mark By Mark Parisi Mar 20, 2017Â
In the Bleachers By Steve Moore Dec 9, 2016
WuMo By Wulff & Morgenthaler Feb 6, 2017
Andertoons By Mark Anderson Nov 7, 2015Â
Thatababy By Paul Trap Feb 13, 2017Â
Frank and Ernest By Thaves June 20, 2016
BiggerNate91 over 7 years ago
At lest there wasn’t anything related to The Emoji Movie in here.
Gent over 7 years ago
And we can’t use emoji here in comments. Oh well, the sideways text emoji should do… :-P
Dan Collins creator over 7 years ago
What about Emo Jima?
GabrielaOSantos over 7 years ago
Hahaha =P
IWannaBeLerxst about 2 months ago
Emoji’s – kewt as they are, and an easy (one-tap/click) way to “say” something for people who can’t be bothered to form a sentence – are (IMHO) for people who aren’t articulate enough to express themselves in words. Between that and A.I. – English, as a viable form of expression, is dead. Long live the English language…