The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 06, 2010

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    lolojoux  almost 15 years ago

    Boondocks is absolutely incredible,i’ve been following it since i clicked onto the internet and that’s way back in the 2000.These characters,are equally down to earth and so social conscious.Aaron McGruder keep it up and lets have Boondocks on the school syllabus.

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    mattro65  almost 15 years ago

    They’re everywhere, they’re everywhere. Scientific illiterates, that is. av8tor, do you know anything at all about science other than how the word is spelled? The hoax is the one being pulled on you brainwashed energy company toadies.

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    EScott2U  almost 15 years ago

    Hey mattro58, answer this: What EXACTLY is the ideal mean average temperature of the Earth, and on what day in history did that occur?

    Unfortunately, we’ll be fighting a generation of public school children indoctrinated into thinking that CO2 is a pollutant.

    Back in the 70s the eco-terrorists demanded that auto manufacturers install catalytic converters on every automobile in order to convert carbon monoxide emissions into carbon dioxide, because it was harmless tree food.

    It NEVER ends with liberals. They tell us what kind of butter to eat (in the 80s they said margarine) and now they’re saying the trans fats in margarines are going to kill me and I should go back to eating regular butter. Now they’re telling me what kind of light bulb I can use, that people can’t smoke in a bar (pretty soon you won’t be able to drink there either), that my children have to be humiliatingly constrained in the back seat of the car until they’re in post-graduate school, and so on and so on. Cars are equipped with airbags, a government mandated safety device that comes with HUGE ugly warnings on the sun-visors that they may KILL you.

    I could go on, but I’ll save it for another day.

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    jimpow  almost 15 years ago

    If all 6+ billion of the earth’s population and all of the other mammals would just hold their breath for an hour or so we could solve this CO2 “nightmare.”

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  5. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    you call:

    “well, you don’t have to get snippy about it”

    going out like a punk?

    yeh, guess so

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    Arghhgarrr Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Yes CO2 is common and neccessary to life. However like oxygen too much of it can kill you. Levels of CO2 in the atmosphere has varied throughout time on Earh, but life as we know it, and the civilization humans have built, is adapted to the CO2 levels that have been pretty constant for the past tens of thousands of years, ie 250 parts per million. In the past 100 years CO2 levels have risen, largely due to human activity like buring fossil fuels, deforestation, etc… CO2 goes into the atmosphere where light from the sun, which is of a certain wavelength can pass thorugh CO2 and reach the Earth, but sunlight reflected off the ground, which is of a different wave length can not pass thorugh the CO2 in the air, and is reflected back at the Earth. Thus more CO2 means more heat from reflected sunlight being trapped with the ensuing changes to the environment. Its not rocket science and the general phenomena has been well understood for a long time.

    PS; The last 10 years have not seen a cooling trend in average global temperatures, rather it has flatttened after a period of sharp increase, and the past decade remains the hottest in recorded history. And the flattening has in the past year started in inch upwards again.

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    pbarnrob  almost 15 years ago

    Lessee; humans inhale O2, exhale CO2. Trees and other green plants, on the other hand, inhale CO2, exhale O2 (they transpire) and a bit of water vapor (depending on species and soil moisture). Mother Nature’s Air Conditioner; sit under a tree in summer, and enjoy it.

    That may be a clue that we are parts of the same organism.

    Now, if you chop down and burn the trees to graze cattle for burgers (as happens in the Amazon rain forest lately), there’s an imbalance. Oh, and don’t forget the methane from the cattle flatulence, even worse than CO2 for blocking IR.

    Whether you call it ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ or something else, it’s all about adding more net energy to the heat engine we call ‘climate’, and the result is that our weather gets weirder. Noticed lately? Hurricanes (moderated some this year by El Nino), huge snowstorms, droughts…

    Yes, it’s really a problem, and if we don’t get a handle on it very soon, it’s likely to be lots worse.

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