The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for June 11, 2022
Huey: A school named after J. Edgar Hoover... This has to be a bad omen. Jazmine: My parents were talking about him last night. They called him a name I'd never heard before. I can't remember what is was... Huey: Fascist? Jazmine: No. Huey: Racist? Jazmine: No. Huey: Murderer? Jazmine: No. It started with "T." Huey: Tyrannical terrorist? Jazmine: No. It was "trans - something"... It was "extra-transvestrial"!! No, that wasn't it, shoot!
Algolei I over 2 years ago
GirlGeek Premium Member over 2 years ago
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 2 years ago
Transvestite: he used to put his undershirt on backwards.
Painted Wolf over 2 years ago
“Closeted Self-Hating Cross-Dressing Homosexual”.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
I wonder what it was.
Prey over 2 years ago
Just a guess, triskaidekaphobia?
Cozmik Cowboy over 2 years ago
I never cease to be amazed at how he was able to use the murder of John Dillenger as a springboard to turn the FBI into, basically, his own government, unfettered by the laws of the land.
Oh, wait – that’s right, he used blackmail, too!
christelisbetty over 2 years ago
She couldn’t figure out why Jedgar didn’t just buy a larger vest.
Ammosexual is loving #47 in Office again. Premium Member over 2 years ago
This Boondocks dates back to a time before all the Democrat sub-groups supported each other without question. This would be unthinkable today.