The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for October 02, 2022
Huey: Where are you running off to, Mr. Dubois? Tom: Shopping! Oh I hope I make it there before all the good stuff's gone! Huey: Shopping?! At this late date?! Tom: Please don't remind me. I'm panicked enough already! Huey: Well, just don't forget the bottled water and the generators - those are the most important things. Tom: What the heck kind of Christmas gifts are those?! Huey: Christmas?! Who cares about Christmas?! I'm talking about Y2K shopping! Emergency supplies for the coming calamity! How can you worry about Christmas with global catastrophe so imminent? Tom: You want catastrophe?! If I screw up my wife's gift this year like I did last year, I will die!! Do you understand?! I will not live to see Y2K!!! I gotta get to Bloomingdale's!! Huey: Take it easy, man! So basically what you're saying is that the approaching shutdown of the world's economic and power system is... Tom: Nothing compared to the wrath of an unsatisfied wife on Christmas. Yes. Huey: (Sigh) I guess there are just some things I'm not meant to understand. Tom: Look, I think we all get frustrated with the commercialization of Christmas, but - Huey: Nope. I was talkin' about marriage. But this whole Christmas thing is pretty messed up too, I guess...
Y2K “calamity” was a hoax and many men, yes men, who are con artists, made enough money for their doomsday predictions to tide them over until the next dreamed up calamity.
My nephew was all up in arms about it, and that’s when he became a “survivor”.
When I found out, I asked him: “You have a mortgage, when is it up?”
He replied: “2003.”
So I said: “Well? Don’t you see that the bank has it already figured out?”
“Oh,” he grumbled.
But that didn’t convice him, because he fell for that boogaboo about all the power grids failing. Well, we know what happened. And all those hucksters did a lot of backtracking and how all the powers-that-be were the ones spreading the fear, and they were just making those fears public. As if…
As for the nephew and his his family, he’s still a “surivor” and he is a perfect example of a person who falls for every conspiracy that’s out there. He’s proud of describing how he’ll survive in spite of all.