It seems the trait called skepticism has died out of the human genome. For many of us oldsters It was born when we lined up for our childhood vaccinations, and someone said, this won’t hurt a bit or it will sting just a little. They lied (in a kindly way) but mistrust of promises was injected at the same time. Whatever has happened to that sense that when someone says trust me, we automatically question their motives.
Facts, People, Facts and a close study of history – reliable measures for finding the truth in the mulch that passes for news.
Or to put it another way, if the media agrees with demmy views, it’s the truth. If they don’t, no way in the world regardless of facts and reality so get ready to rumble.Also known as RDS or Reality Denial Syndrome.
Leojim almost 4 years ago
They have reliable sources, just ask Little Brian and he’ll tell you. Hahaha
i_am_the_jam almost 4 years ago
Dude…I have some bad news for you…
TStyle78 almost 4 years ago
Yep. 100% true.
Zykoic almost 4 years ago
There is such a wide spectrum of positional filtering that I no longer trust any news service.
sandpiper almost 4 years ago
It seems the trait called skepticism has died out of the human genome. For many of us oldsters It was born when we lined up for our childhood vaccinations, and someone said, this won’t hurt a bit or it will sting just a little. They lied (in a kindly way) but mistrust of promises was injected at the same time. Whatever has happened to that sense that when someone says trust me, we automatically question their motives.
Facts, People, Facts and a close study of history – reliable measures for finding the truth in the mulch that passes for news.
Watchdog almost 4 years ago
CNN — I could not stop laughing, I’m still laughing. Paradox and satire at the same time, very good.
Tony Fletcher Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Now THAT is funny!
Michael G. almost 4 years ago
Two sides of a coin.
RuSerious? Premium Member almost 4 years ago
How could you leave off the current Liar in Chief and his Vice Liar?
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Yep. 100% false!
Teto85 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
BB71 almost 4 years ago
CNN tells the truth? Houston, we have a problem!!!!
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Choose your lies:
If Ds are lying about climate & we do what they say then we still get cleaner air water & soil.
If Rs are lying about climate & we do what they say then we destroy all life on the only planet that we know has any.
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Everybody “curates;” some more than others.
aussie399 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Or to put it another way, if the media agrees with demmy views, it’s the truth. If they don’t, no way in the world regardless of facts and reality so get ready to rumble.Also known as RDS or Reality Denial Syndrome.