Bozo by Foxo Reardon for September 30, 2021

  1. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 3 years ago

    1 Bozo demonstrating to the Wichita lineman why that stretch down south won’t ever stand the strain.

    2 This one’s for all those people wondering how they ended up being over the hill without having been on top.

    3 Bozo is scared of Cruella DeVille. (Who ain’t?)

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 3 years ago

    1. “Don’t blames me, blames the poor quality material of the pole.”

    2. “What the fog!”

    3. “Yipes! I musta drops paint over em.”

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 3 years ago

    And once again, great enjoyable comics with great artwork! Bozo, in his three dimensional cartoon world full of depths and perspectives, ensures a smile on your face every day.

    A big thumbs up once again to the lesser known cartoonist in comparison to others, but a master cartoonist who is no less than any other nonetheless, Foxo Reardon and his marvellous masterpiece, the wordless wonder called Bozo.

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  4. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103
    Kip Williams  over 3 years ago

    Bozo knows that the blue spots are his.

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  5. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  over 3 years ago

    1. Betcha I can hit that pole with a rock. Oops!

    2. What goes up, must come down.

    3. Uh oh, I’m seeing spots! (Better hide my beer).

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    hwmj  over 3 years ago

    With that arm I can’t believe the Yankees didn’t have Bozo signed

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    Ninette  over 3 years ago

    I have to believe those hip, sophisticated, and serious about their comics, like Bozo fans for example, are already following Skippy. Or will be after checking it out.

    Top notch humor. The guy’s art is addicting.

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  8. Img 4741
    Ninette  over 3 years ago

    1. Third panel. Wow @ Bozo in action. The form, what drawing!! And the path of the rock looks like Issac Newton drew it.

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  9. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 3 years ago

    1) All in the Wrist: Bozo meets a lineman and shows him the problem. His super strong throw of a little stone cuts down one of the line posts.

    2) Which Way is Up?: Bozo loses his way in a fog becoming disorientated.

    3) Spotted: Bozo painting and dripping. He thinks a woman and her do got plastered by his dripping paint and runs in fear. She was wearing a spotted coat walking a spotted dog.

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