1. Clandestine thief is silent. As quiet as a cat. Locks up tight behind him. Returns key under mat.
2. Bozo just can’t fix it. He’s not so good with cars. Chauffeurs boss lady despite this. She sits on handle bars.
3. Horse is stubborn as a mule. Bozo can’t make him run. So dismounts to make a whip. Horse hears the starting gun.
1. Clandestine thief is silent. As quiet as a cat. Locks up tight behind him. Returns key under mat.
2. Bozo just can’t fix it. He’s not so good with cars. Chauffeurs boss lady despite this. She sits on handle bars.
3. Horse is stubborn as a mule. Bozo can’t make him run. So dismounts to make a whip. Horse hears the starting gun.