Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 05, 2015
Lupin: The Woman is trying to have plants again. Puck: CN news, Ma'am. Why do you do this to yourself? Elvis: Lupin, Elvis here, live where the plants have been watered, placed in sunlight, and set up for failure. Elvis: They are small, spiky, adorable in nature, and I do not care for them. Lupin: Elvis, what else can you tell us? Elvis: There are three. One for each of us. Puck: I'm going to eat mine. Lupin: This one has been left dangerously close to the edge of this table. TAP TAP TAP SLLLLLIDE Elvis: That tasted terrible going down AND coming back up. Woman: LUPIN! Lupin: What? Puck: Kind of an earthy aftertaste. Woman: TSK Lupin... Lupin: I just got here!
You can grow oat grass and other healthy “cat” grasses in the house to satisfy kitty urges. My boys loved it and I kept some handy by their food and water dishes.