My female cat slept on the towels inside the bathroom cabinet under the sink until I finally gave up and put the cat bed in the cabinet and moved the towels to the closet. She considers that cabinet her bedroom and my towels are now fur-free.
First the People move them to a new home and fill it with new cat furniture. Then The Woman starts knitting little socks for them and now a brand new box just the size to fit all three. The cats must be feeling very loved.
Robin Harwood over 7 years ago
This seems all too familiar a situation.
butler2jc over 7 years ago
the box IS the cat bed
Lady Bri over 7 years ago
Nothing beats a good cardboard box, no matter how soft and downy a cat bed is!
Tue Elung-Jensen over 7 years ago
Considering the box is open, and he is holding the beds … what are they on? Just floating on air?
DennyWheeler over 7 years ago
Noes!!! The anchor desk is abandoned. Who’s to report when news happens?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
Just put the cat bed into a box .
Mandolynn Premium Member over 7 years ago
My female cat slept on the towels inside the bathroom cabinet under the sink until I finally gave up and put the cat bed in the cabinet and moved the towels to the closet. She considers that cabinet her bedroom and my towels are now fur-free.
ladykat Premium Member over 7 years ago
I’m surprised they aren’t all in the crib.
Susanna Premium Member over 7 years ago
Sleeping cats are so cute.
I just realized this morning that it is the month that the BCN calendar comes out.
SunflowerGirl100 over 7 years ago
First the People move them to a new home and fill it with new cat furniture. Then The Woman starts knitting little socks for them and now a brand new box just the size to fit all three. The cats must be feeling very loved.
nelliechristian71 over 7 years ago
They are sleeping on each other since cats are pretty soft.
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 7 years ago
Cat Bed = Any surface where you DON’T want to find a cat. Or car hair. Or fur balls.
laurie.lynne over 7 years ago
A box is the best kitty toy. Along with hair ties, tie straps, and pill bottles.
rgcviper over 7 years ago
Yup—that’s a cat for ya! (Or, actually, three in this case.) Made me smile.