“Oh Henry, I didn’t just arrive from Mars!” (He Snickers) ….“We know they gave you 100 Grand to sabotage the senator’s campaign.
You thought it was a big Skor, didn’t you? You’d be living on Fifth Avenue with their Bounty!
But you’re such a Butterfingers, you dropped the evidence. And sorry, but that’s not much of a Payday anyhow.Take 5 and think….Remember… help us now, in the Crunch, or it’ll be a very Rocky Road for you from here on. There’s no place to hide in the whole Galaxy”.
“Oh Henry, I didn’t just arrive from Mars!” (He Snickers) ….“We know they gave you 100 Grand to sabotage the senator’s campaign.
You thought it was a big Skor, didn’t you? You’d be living on Fifth Avenue with their Bounty!
But you’re such a Butterfingers, you dropped the evidence. And sorry, but that’s not much of a Payday anyhow.Take 5 and think….Remember… help us now, in the Crunch, or it’ll be a very Rocky Road for you from here on. There’s no place to hide in the whole Galaxy”.