Brevity by Dan Thompson for October 12, 2020

  1. Mmae
    pearlsbs  over 4 years ago

    What do you call a Monk with osteoporosis who likes eating onions and walks everywhere barefoot?

    He’s a Super fragile calloused mystic plagued with halitosis.

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  2. Mmae
    pearlsbs  over 4 years ago

    What’s the difference between a 5 lb bag of onions and some bagpipes?

    No one cries when you cut up the bagpipes.

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  3. Ytinav
    jreckard  over 4 years ago

    A chive jive?

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  4. Missing large
    mi_sbs  over 4 years ago

    ""Green Onions" entered the Billboard Hot 100 the week ending August 11, 1962, and peaked at No. 3 the week ending September 29, 1962. The single also made it to No. 1 on the R&B singles chart, for four non-consecutive weeks, an unusual occurrence in that it fell in and out of top spot three times." (source: Wikipedia).

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  5. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Let’s hear him lay down some beats on beets.

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  6. Rooster with horns
    LilyGilder  over 4 years ago

    He probably shouldn’t “leek” the news, someone may steal his idea.

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  7. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 4 years ago

    I think the B-52s made “Rap Scallion” as a sequel to “Rock Lobster”.

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  8. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    If you don’t practice with the cleaver, you lose your chops!

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  9. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  over 4 years ago

    I once ordered a chicken wrap with “Buck buck BUCK! Buck buck BUCK!”

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  10. David00a
    David Bethke Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Then asketh he of him:

    “Have you any onions, And have you savory?”

    But he answered him not,Saying:

    “Onions have I,But savory have I none.”

    Whereupon he scolded him:

    “Then thou art an unsavory rapscallion!”

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