Now forgotten American history: Thanksgiving was set by Presidential decree. It could be any time. The tradition arose of making it the last Thursday of November. It did mark the start of the Christmas shopping season and in the Depression merchants begged FDR to move it earlier (especially since some years there are five Thursdays in the month). FDR wanted to help businesses and moved it to the third. People in the pews were furious. It was in the Bible that Thanksgiving must be the last Thursday! FDR was a tool of Satan! Congress stepped in and established Thanksgiving as fourth Thursday.
Now forgotten American history: Thanksgiving was set by Presidential decree. It could be any time. The tradition arose of making it the last Thursday of November. It did mark the start of the Christmas shopping season and in the Depression merchants begged FDR to move it earlier (especially since some years there are five Thursdays in the month). FDR wanted to help businesses and moved it to the third. People in the pews were furious. It was in the Bible that Thanksgiving must be the last Thursday! FDR was a tool of Satan! Congress stepped in and established Thanksgiving as fourth Thursday.