You know what? Fussing over the inconsistency of whether or not Octopus or Squid or Both happen to Squirt Ink in a Cartoon is IGNORING the BLARING inconsistency of one of them sitting on the sidewalk ON DRY LAND and having apparently WRITTEN A SIGN.OK, are we clear on this yet, folks? IT’S A CARTOON! IT HAS NO REQUIREMENT TO FOLLOW THE RULES OF OUR REALITY!So kwitcherbitchin.
You know what? Fussing over the inconsistency of whether or not Octopus or Squid or Both happen to Squirt Ink in a Cartoon is IGNORING the BLARING inconsistency of one of them sitting on the sidewalk ON DRY LAND and having apparently WRITTEN A SIGN.OK, are we clear on this yet, folks? IT’S A CARTOON! IT HAS NO REQUIREMENT TO FOLLOW THE RULES OF OUR REALITY!So kwitcherbitchin.