The U.S. Army has been testing I.Q.s for over 100 years. Reviewing the mass of data shows that the average I.Q. has been going up an average of three points per decade, requiring constant re-adjustment of the scale. But ten decades would imply by now an average I.Q. of about 130 which is pretty smart, like the top 1 or 2 percent (IIRC). But I see no evidence of that in the world around me. What’s that about?
The U.S. Army has been testing I.Q.s for over 100 years. Reviewing the mass of data shows that the average I.Q. has been going up an average of three points per decade, requiring constant re-adjustment of the scale. But ten decades would imply by now an average I.Q. of about 130 which is pretty smart, like the top 1 or 2 percent (IIRC). But I see no evidence of that in the world around me. What’s that about?