A flower blows pollen towards Buni's face and makes him sneeze. They high five and take a tally on a clipboard.
Oh, those evil flowers! What are they counting- victims, or sneezes?
I KNEW there was a conspiracy….
Thie explains so much. Evil posi’s.
That’s appallin’.
So far they’ve counted 42! Must be time for the Vogons to blow up the Earth.
So where is the carrot assassin when some plant life really deserves carving?
September 04, 2013
June 06, 2017
December 05, 2017
blunebottle almost 10 years ago
Oh, those evil flowers! What are they counting- victims, or sneezes?
bjy1293 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I KNEW there was a conspiracy….
ziggman14304 almost 10 years ago
Thie explains so much. Evil posi’s.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 10 years ago
That’s appallin’.
Tandembuzz almost 10 years ago
So far they’ve counted 42! Must be time for the Vogons to blow up the Earth.
Argythree almost 10 years ago
So where is the carrot assassin when some plant life really deserves carving?