Yes, it’s extremely rare to find a tiger sleeping in Drowsy Bear jammies.
To view the following strips in the archive and help GoComics generate revenue, please click on the blue archive links below. To view the strips directly, click on the images below or stretch them.Peanuts (October 27, 1994)Peanuts (October 23, 1995)Peanuts (July 23, 1967)Reality Check (September 26, 2012)Calvin and Hobbes (June 5, 1986)Calvin and Hobbes (April 23, 1989)
Yes, it’s extremely rare to find a tiger sleeping in Drowsy Bear jammies.
To view the following strips in the archive and help GoComics generate revenue, please click on the blue archive links below. To view the strips directly, click on the images below or stretch them.Peanuts (October 27, 1994)Peanuts (October 23, 1995)Peanuts (July 23, 1967)Reality Check (September 26, 2012)Calvin and Hobbes (June 5, 1986)Calvin and Hobbes (April 23, 1989)