Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 09, 2012

  1. 00160008
    Koolfunkygrrl  over 12 years ago

    I think it cost Cathy her heart and soul…lol….j/k……but it does feel like that sometimes when you make a large purchase, doesn’t it?….Hello to Lightenup, Jr., Aaron, Billy, LMB, Gretch’s Ma, Susan, Vipedude, Lindzcoop (have a safe trip), mollie, Mona, serenaskitty, hendelca, bronzepony, and everyone else:)…..I won’t be posting for a few days as I’ll be travelling back to good ol’ Canada :)……Not to sound selfish, but I do hope things go as planned for me :)…wish me luck!….YAY first post!!.

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  2. Glamkitty
    AnonaMoaner  over 12 years ago

    Just a box with a wheel at each corner. I did once buy a car, to be honest – my OH’s first – but only because he didn’t have £30 handy at the time and I did.

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  3. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  over 12 years ago

    One day when I’m done paying off college loans I hope to get a brand new car.

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  4. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  over 12 years ago

    Wow is he lame. He makes Cathy look downright brilliant.


    Hi Susan later in the day, likely hard at work at the moment. Hi lightenup I’m risking stepping on you because you’re not here yet and my Spidey senses aren’t the same since I cleaned ’em up. Morning UK friends and readers.

    Hi mom!
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  5. Zacha
    my_discworld  over 12 years ago

    I feel so old-fashioned. I’m still of the opinion that any one who asks “How much did that cost you?” is a rude, indiscreet lowlife.

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  6. Glamkitty
    AnonaMoaner  over 12 years ago

    Dinosaurs like you and me, my_discworld, should stick together! What ever happened to politeness and good manners?

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    mimismom  over 12 years ago

    The time I talk to people about getting a new car is before I buy one. I never ask how much they paid, I just ask if they thought they got a fair deal, and how the dealership treated them. If all seems good, I ask for the name and ph.# of their salesman. When I’ve collected three or four, I comparison shop prices and options. In the last fifty years I’ve owned one new car, two lease returns and more used cars than I can remember. I hope my present pick-up lasts me the rest of my life, but if not, I’ll be looking for another lease return.

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  8. Images
    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    I agree with you all. That’s not even a guy thing. It’s a lame guy thing. What I called him in my head is different than what I wrote on my commnet. :-D This is a family show.


    Dessert? FedEx tracking shows my goodie box is arriving tomorrow. Yay!


    AnonaMona you’re only an oldie by chronology, not by what really counts.


    No Mom! yet? [whimper] I need my Mom! fix. I’ll check back after my soccer game.

    Hi Mom!
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  9. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 12 years ago

    I’m not sure what I expected but somehow, with all the back and forth going on between Cathy and the car salesman before she finally signed on the dotted line and handed over all her hard-earned(?!) money, I thought it would look different . . . somehow. Turns out, all it is is just another regular, over-priced new car!


    Meanwhile, add me to the list of people who also think it’s rude to ask people what they paid for something — from their house to their car to their brand new pair of shoes!!!!! Why do people always think they have to know everyone else’s financial business anyhow? I don’t and won’t tell other people how to spend their money and I certainly don’t want them telling me how to spend mine.


    HI, AARON & DR. BILLY!!!!!

    Could the two of you BE any sweeter?!?!? Never fear . . . your virtual MOM is here!!!!! Love you both!!!!! :-)


    Good evening, lightenup, lightenupjr., K.F.G., Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, mollie05, AnonaMona, soonergal, Willi Nilli, Bronzepony, Molly mcgee, simpsonfan2, GreggW, Wolf Emperor, Hobbes (if you should happen to drop by) and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here tonight. It’s great to “see” you all! And if you’re new here . . . WELCOME TO CATHY’S NUTHOUSE!!!!! GLAD YOU’RE JOINING IN ON ALL THE FUN!!!!! ;-)

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    Yay Mom! arrived! :-D Love you too Mom. Nice to see you. But doh! we’re missing lightenup. Earth to lightenup ;-)

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  11. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    HI everyone! I just typed a long comment and lost it, so this one will be shorter…I’m also in the group of “don’t ask”. The only time I will ask is if it’s something that has a definite price and I’m considering buying it and I know the person well who I’m asking, but for the most part I’ll do my research in private.We are doing well… Today was “Meet & Greet” day at school, so most of the day was spent there volunteering, meeting teachers, signing up for activities, filling out forms and socializing. A fun day, but tiring. Add in piano, cheer and grocery shopping and I’m done.Someone (KFG, I think) asked recently how jr and lil are doing… They are doing great, thanks! They’ve had a nice summer, I think, a mix of camps, a trip, doing errands with me, and sitting around playing. So I think we’re all ready for the schedule and work of school again. Fortunately they both love school and learning, so they’re excited about it all.Hopefully more tomorrow… maybe I can get them to write a message. I’m sorry jr has been MIA… she just forgets to send a message, but she still loves knowing that she’s part of the group!! :-)

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    mollie05  over 12 years ago

    Good Evening to our little group, it’s been storming here really heavy with lots of thunder and lightning stayed off the electrical gadgets for a while. Very rude of that guy to ask what she paid…old school thinking maybe or just good manners.

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  13. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 12 years ago

    Yeah—this one hits a little too close to home for me, too.

    “Whoops” … on the guy’s part.

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