She should have used “merdre” instead. Three quarters of the American audience wouldn’t have noticed anything strange at all, another 20% would think it was a misspelling, and 5% would chuckle knowingly…
I always get a small chuckle out of people who call others ignorant or stupid online and only make themselves look worse in their response: “Your a moron.” or as here, “Moreon.” Although Mona has managed to spell two different words correctly that sound like the one word she was searching for when crammed together. :D
margueritem over 15 years ago
She didn’t misspell ‘merde’.
Sisyphos over 15 years ago
I hate it when that happens; –and, believe me, that happens!
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
A big moron and a little moron were standing on a ledge. The big moron fell of. Why didn’t the little moron?
cleokaya over 15 years ago
A demonstration of how a cartoonist can let gocomic readers know that grammatical correction references are not appreciated.
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
wndrwrthg: because he was a little more on (rimshot).
tut, tut, Mona, such language!
AliKzam over 15 years ago
I love this one.
aardvarkseyes over 15 years ago
I hat when that happens!
3hourtour Premium Member over 15 years ago
…she spelled ‘jerking off’ correctly…
fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago
She should have used “merdre” instead. Three quarters of the American audience wouldn’t have noticed anything strange at all, another 20% would think it was a misspelling, and 5% would chuckle knowingly…
Tetsuo over 15 years ago
She also mispelled computer.
Thomas R. Williams over 15 years ago
Orthography can be moider.
fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago
Smurfs are no more French than Tintin; they’re Belgian.
MichelleZProvencher over 6 years ago
I always get a small chuckle out of people who call others ignorant or stupid online and only make themselves look worse in their response: “Your a moron.” or as here, “Moreon.” Although Mona has managed to spell two different words correctly that sound like the one word she was searching for when crammed together. :D