So how many time zones did he cross – three or four? If it’s evening in New Jersey, say seven or eight, it’s only early afternoon in California? No wonder he needs his sleep.
Mona can DRIVE?
Not only a French driver, but a Parisian to boot, let loose in La? Have the LAPD been briefed? I foresee not so much road-rage, as a snooty aloof indifference to the rights of any other road-user. Much humour could be mined here… Parisian drivers are like Italians, only with more icy froideur. They have a very individualistic “sauve qui peut!” attitude to driving…
So how many time zones did he cross – three or four? If it’s evening in New Jersey, say seven or eight, it’s only early afternoon in California? No wonder he needs his sleep.
Mona can DRIVE?
Not only a French driver, but a Parisian to boot, let loose in La? Have the LAPD been briefed? I foresee not so much road-rage, as a snooty aloof indifference to the rights of any other road-user. Much humour could be mined here… Parisian drivers are like Italians, only with more icy froideur. They have a very individualistic “sauve qui peut!” attitude to driving…