C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for February 11, 2015

  1. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  about 10 years ago

    If Mona doesn’t love herself, no one else is even going to try. It’s no good when a woman tastes like an ashtray.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Loving herself? Yeah, there was a reference to that yesterday.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 10 years ago

    Well, self-love is in lieu of no love in Mona’s case. Unless we count M. Smokey (who in reality is an aspect of Mona, anyway)….

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  4. Image
    Starman1948  about 10 years ago

    Good morning my friends. Mona seems to suffer from narcissism. I was married to a smoker. Bad breath, clothes smell bad, etc. Y’all have an adventurous day.

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  5. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  about 10 years ago

    Smoking is a symptom of self medicating neurosis.

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  6. Jb jazz
    AlnicoV   about 10 years ago

    I can work with everything but the smoking.

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  7. Missing large
    jeffbacon12357  about 10 years ago

    When I was young, they called it self-abuse, not self-love.

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