Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 14, 2009

  1. Actor075
    Flintstoned  over 15 years ago

    It never was news.

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  2. Photo 10
    StrangeTikiGod  over 15 years ago

    Agreed. “News” seems to carry connotations of something, you know…important.

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  3. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 15 years ago

    It was certainly news to his wife.

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    Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago

    and now they need to be left in peace to try to mend their marriage. Nothing more embarrassing than finding out quite so publicly about his infidelities…trust will be hard for a very long time (if ever!)

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    hastynote Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Fox and Friends????? News????? Teaching future journalists?????? This toon is not about Tiger!!!

    The joke is Rupert Murdock!

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  6. Prof2sm
    nanouk  over 15 years ago

    Too bad some forget about the frying that conservatives got over their indiscretions. “Hypocrisy is the final state of a closed mind.” CJ Stoneman.

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  7. Prof2sm
    nanouk  over 15 years ago

    Too bad some forget about the frying that conservatives got over their indiscretions. “Hypocrisy is the final state of a closed mind.” CJ Stoneman.

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  8. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    True, nanouk, conservatives are fairly easy to ding against not living up to their own moral standards since they set the bar so high. Since liberals have no moral standards, it’s difficult to charge them with hypocrisy, even when their own behaviors are much more despicable. Letterman is a classic example, since he constructed his own private studio love nest where he banged the employees who worked for him (read: sexual harassment), where Tiger only fooled around with plain ol’ folks and professionals.

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    puddleglum1066  over 15 years ago

    Nemesys, if you really believe there’s any correlation whatsoever between political viewpoint and moral standards, I suggest you open your eyes and start looking at the real world around you. Some people have high standards. Some don’t. Some broadcast their standards to the world, some keep them to themselves. Some follow their standards, some don’t. And some call themselves “liberal,” others “conservatives.” And, when you start looking for patterns, you find there aren’t any. No political affiliation has any claim to moral high ground.

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  10. Bazookajoe2
    notbugme  over 15 years ago

    Pretty fast reaction to the Tiger Woods thing. The story originally broke, what, less than two weeks ago? Trudeau normally works with a two week lead time on his strips. He must have immediately dropped whatever storyline was in the works and switched to this. He can’t be aware of all of the last two weeks’ developments, so expect this week’s strips to be all about tabloid journalism as seen through Rolie’s reaction to suitably vague “developments” in the Tiger story

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  11. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    puddleglum, I didn’t bring up the idea of political ideology being related to hypocrisy, but I’m perfectly able to actively discuss it with nanouk or yourself :-)

    It’s true that politicians (typically conservatives) who preach “family values” are held to a higher moral family standard than those who promote more liberal thinking, and that’s appropriate. But conversely, liberal politicans who preach environmentalism should be held to those kinds of moral values, which is why the energy gluttony of Al Gore should be of concern to those who hold those concerns dear to them. It’s personally interesting, but not surprising, to me that he’s not being roasted by his own followers over that stuff, but I’ll let you speculate as to why.

    But thank you for making the point behind my point, which was that nanouk is full of husky dung.

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    misterwhite  over 15 years ago

    NEME wrote: ” It’s true that politicians (typically conservatives) who preach “family values” are held to a higher moral family standard than those who promote more liberal thinking, and that’s appropriate. But conversely, liberal politicans who preach environmentalism should be held to those kinds of moral values, which is why the energy gluttony of Al Gore should be of concern to those who hold those concerns dear to them. It’s personally interesting, but not surprising, to me that he’s not being roasted by his own followers over that stuff, but I’ll let you speculate as to why. ”

    Show me a guy who preaches family values and I’ll show you a guy who never had them and never will.

    As to Al Gore’s energy gluttony …….. how many secret service men does the law require for you to have with you at all times?

    When you fly on business (Al Gore on the campaign trail, for comparison), how many states are you required to be in in a single day?

    How many of your staff do you take with you to each of those states? How many reporters go with you?

    I’d love to hear your speculations …. but I just had umbillical hernia surgery and laughing my bleeep off at you would not be good for the stitches.

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  13. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    Well, misterwhite, I’m not the one preaching global warming, becoming a multimillionaire fat cat in the process, and blaming it on what other people do wrong. If we all practiced what Gore does, the planet would be 5 degrees warmer by now, according to his own theory. If you believe in the message, you can’t take the messenger seriously… and yet, here you are frantically defending him. Methinks when it comes to hypocracy, you and Mr. Gore share a lot in common.

    But perhaps we both really know that blaming climate change on carbon footprints is just a bunch of malarky, so it really doesn’t matter what Gore does.

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  14. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    Naw, I’m not really commenting about Gore so much as the mind-numbed global warming lemmings who look up to him as their spokesmodel. There’s so much blatent non-scientific propaganda going on in that camp that it’s impossible to take seriously. And for those that do take it seriously, how can you hang your hats on so little science (“consensus” is not “science”) and so much emotional drama? The last time so much “scientific” nonsense was peddled on that scale was when Gobbels foisted the “white ayran superiority” bleeep on the German people!

    I’m waiting for a good SCIENTIFIC debate on the subject, and I’d listen carefully to both sides, but all I hear from the climate change folks is things like “We all agree” and “You’re in denial if you don’t go along with us” and “Trust us, even though our predictions don’t pan out”. Hello? That’s not science!

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    misterwhite  over 15 years ago

    Nemie wrote: ” Well, misterwhite, I’m not the one preaching global warming, becoming a multimillionaire fat cat in the process,”

    Global warming …. undeniable fact.

    As to Gore becoming a multimillionaire ….. fantastic. I am disappointed he is not a billionaire.

    I don’t mind reviewing a little history for you. Perhaps you will learn it this time.

    Holland was a world power in the 15th century with their wind and water power. They screwed up. They didnt make the change to coal. So when coal became the cost effective energy source, England became the world power. Holland ? Do you even know where Holland is?

    England was a world power with their coal power. They screwed up. They didn”t make the change to oil. So when coal became the cost effective energy source, The USA became the world power. Now England is an also ran.

    Now oil is no longer the cost effective energy source. Whoever invests in 21st century energy sources will become the world power, and the richest people on the planet. Gore understands world econ. He is investing wisely. You still support a 19th century paradigm in which the right wing STEALS your income taxes to line the pockets of big oil and big coal while driving our country into a third world entity.

    Nemie wrote: “you and Mr. Gore share a lot in common.”

    Thank you. Gore and I have read the research. Gore and I UNDERSTAND the research. Gore and I have INTERROGATED the research.

    Too bad for you that you aren’t more like Gore and I.

    Nemie wrote: ” But perhaps we both really know that blaming climate change on carbon footprints is just a bunch of malarky”

    Well …… I understand economics. I understand science. I understand the research involved.

    Perhaps someday you will find the courage to return to the second grade and stick with it until you have the education necessary to understand what the scientists are actually saying.

    Nemie wrote: ” There’s so much blatent non-scientific propaganda going on in that camp that it’s impossible to take seriously ”

    I wish I had a nickel for every one of you anti-science types who make that claim and then are unable to support it. I would be richer than Gore.

    Nemie wrote: ” I’m waiting for a good SCIENTIFIC debate on the subject, and I’d listen carefully to both sides but all I hear from the climate change folks is things like “We all agree ”

    Funny, that is the exact same thing you would hear from those scientists who deny the earth is flat.

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  16. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    My friend, you and Mr. Gore are doing to science today what the Catholic Church did to it during Galileo’s time - you’re confusing wishful thinking based on consensus and cultish ideology with scientific facts. Unless you and Mr. Gore are climate scientists conducting your own research (he’s not), your opinions on the matter aren’t worth a pile of moose manure. Your knowledge of energy policy mirrors your knowledge of what I support - you make blanket statements that reflect your biased opinion, not our shared realities.

    Here’s an article from today’s Times of London about your lying make-it-up-as-I-go-along hero, Al Gore.

    “There are many kinds of truth. Al Gore was poleaxed by an inconvenient one yesterday.

    The former US Vice-President, who became an unlikely figurehead for the green movement after narrating the Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, became entangled in a new climate change “spin” row.

    Mr Gore, speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, stated the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years.”

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