Notice how Media and Liberals ignore Obamas gaffs, failure to go to briefing, bypass Congress and the Constitution with Executive Orders. (I know GW did the same thing and should have been held responsible) Need to repeal ALL Executive Orders for the last 3 (min)Presidents. We can pass laws properly for some.
Linguist over 12 years ago
To say nothing of what they discovered about the prestidigitation with his campaign funds.
BigChiefDesoto over 12 years ago
That’s what Watergate did! It stole the Democrats smoke and mirrors!!
randymi over 12 years ago
Reminds me of the current presidential races – both sides are using smoke and mirrors.
stripseeker over 12 years ago
And through the smoke and mirrors, twit was recorded telling the beliefs like they are among the $50,000-a-platers.
stripseeker over 12 years ago
lcdrlar over 12 years ago
Notice how Media and Liberals ignore Obamas gaffs, failure to go to briefing, bypass Congress and the Constitution with Executive Orders. (I know GW did the same thing and should have been held responsible) Need to repeal ALL Executive Orders for the last 3 (min)Presidents. We can pass laws properly for some.
Phosphoros over 12 years ago
Not to worry… the banks can print up more money to buy more smoke and mirrors for their man.
danlarios over 12 years ago
yea but they couldn’t steal his lies