Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 28, 2012
Alex: Rick gone already? Joanie: He went down to Romney headquarters. I hope he has a good day. He's been so demoralized lately. He feels like he's lost all professional standing. Alex: Yeah... I noticed. Think he'll have to join the 47%? Joanie: Could be. He's always felt entitled to food.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
A man identifies himself by his work, and Rick has lost his identity.
Buckly34 over 12 years ago
You mean he pays taxes now? …on his non-salary?
MassieVoter over 12 years ago
Rick will end up even more demoralized hanging out at Romney headquarters.
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
mormon romney campaign is trying to put a brave face, and spin that their campaign is not in total shambles. but, the constant leaks, analysis from pollsters(independent,democratic, and republican) all show he is losing every time him and p90x ryan talk. even, wsj says their campaign is rolling calamity, and incompentent.
kmcomics over 12 years ago
In panel 3, does Alex have a baby bump?
stellablu122 over 12 years ago
Welcome to the 47% Rick. Maybe you can ask Mitt for a loan to help finance your writing?
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh brother! Not long ago it was the 1% vs the 99%. Now it’s the 47% vs the 53%? When will the Idiocy end?
Astolat over 12 years ago
Is this strip what, girlfriend…? ;-)
spooked wolf over 12 years ago
Waaah!I miss Michael Doonesbury himself, & Co. I know we were warned (kinda-sorta) byTrudeau he would be retiring that group, but, daaum, it’s not Doonesbury w/out Doonesbury. Still a good strip, but I’m bored w/the lesser stars’ current commentary.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Great job GT! Bah-zing! You know, I think most people feel they are entitled to food… Sacre bleu et zut alors!
smalltownbrown over 12 years ago
Let’s hope Rick can expose the trashing of Democrat voters’ registration forms by Voters Outreach of America/America Votes (group paid for by the National Republican Party.) Expose Jim Crow!!
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Actually, we liberals (and the media) have not kept silent about things that we had hoped that Obama would accomplish vs. what he has been able to accomplish. However, there is still a stark choice between Obama and Romney. As to Obama gaffes, he has been a fairly disciplined campaigner and I really can’t fault him for that. He has made some gaffes but they have been relatively few by comparison to his opposition, which is a rather low bar to have to compare him with.
moderateisntleft over 12 years ago
While I agree with your premis that there are fakers on disability, I think you should stop making up numbers to prove your point (i.e. 2 for 1), Try being a part of the solution: as in how do we help those who truly deserve and kick the fakers to the curb. Unfortunately, the right wing (Rupublican) postion is to cut everyone off. I for one would rather not be part of a society that ignores the truly unfortunate just so I can create infinite wealth for me. Just sayin’
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
Romney headquarters has become a medicine show wagon, pulled by one dead horse.
Only a sinner saved by grace over 12 years ago
I’m in the .005%, the 2%, the 44%, the 30%, the 86%, etc. For Pete’s sake, can we quit with the class warfare already?
Spaghettus1 over 12 years ago
Ah, yes, the right wing’s all-time favorite straw man, the “welfare Cadillac”
I personally know someone on public assistance, and she couldn’t afford a $100 moped if you gave her a $50 down payment. She walks where she needs to go most of the time. The only place she can afford to live is a mold-infested basement apartment that has an almost constant smell of urine in the stairwell outside the door.
Maybe you should inform a few of the 150,000 veterans who have no home to go to tonight how easy it is to get all this money from the government.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
Oh, the class warfare is over. We, probably including you, lost.
Yuseff over 12 years ago
That 47% applies to senior citizens receiving their social security. No taxes paid on that. The soldier not paying taxes on their combat pay. Do they get brand new Caddies too?
ScullyUFO over 12 years ago
The voter turnout in 2008 was 56.8% so it would seem that 91% of the 47% don’t even vote, right?
Tin Can Twidget over 12 years ago
The 47% also applies to veterans drawing a pension, getting disability benefits or treatments. It also includes the elderly living on Social Security and many others who don’t make enough to pay taxes.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
And let’s not forget several thousand Romney-style families that also pay 0% in income tax.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
All these despicable canards about people who receive government aid wouldn’t persuade me to vote for Romney and his mini-me if I had the plague and they had the cure..But even if the Republican agenda were spot-on, Romney is nothing more than an empty suit, and everyone knows it. That’s why objective analyses of state-by-state polls, the only ones that matter (e.g., indicate that Romney has an obese probability of winning…and it may even be an Obama landslide. (That’s not a plug for Obama; I don’t like him all that much either. But compared to Romney, he’s George Washington.)
btbass2 Premium Member over 12 years ago
No, Ken, I don’t think that’s a baby bump for Alex. More like part of a muffin top of flab that so many gals and guys now carry around their middles. Poor eating habits and lack of exercise.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Rick is hanging with losers.
Only a sinner saved by grace over 12 years ago
If it’s my money, my definition of who is worthy should be good enough. Now if I were playing with someone else’s money…I base my standards of worthyness on the Bible, just like the rest of my life.