Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for January 16, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 15 years ago

    Ollie can dig up the dirt on him.

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  2. Jack noire comic
    LordDogmore  about 15 years ago

    Yea but Marg, if the guys melting, wouldn’t Ollie only be able to rake up some muck?

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  about 15 years ago

    LordDogmore, excellent point.

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  4. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 15 years ago

    One assumes the FBI should be able find his name through the wreck of the Helicopter or any documentation/ ID that survived the crash.

    I may have missed something but it seems the toxin affected only human flesh.

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  5. Dscn7190 small
    stuart  about 15 years ago

    In real life, there are animals with a toxin like in the story. The Brown Recluse spider and the Cottonmouth snake are two in my area. I don’t fear so much the neurotoxins such as Black Widows and Rattlesnakes use. If they don’t kill you, there are generally no lasting bad effects. But the flesh dissolving venoms are really nasty. Even the tiny amount in a spider bite will leave a “hole” in your leg, or require amputation of a finger or toe.

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  6. 89649290 10213423778063931 3788073417480077312 n
    logan_4067  about 15 years ago

    Is that Warbucks it can’t be.

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  7. F 22 raptor
    rainman5353  about 15 years ago

    Busy day! That’s a pretty flip response to hearing that a former employee has crashed a helicopter into a hospital and has caused over forty casualties!

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  8. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  about 15 years ago

    Great. Don’t mention the last time. See if we care.

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  9. Rick
    davidf42  about 6 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

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