The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for October 05, 2012

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    mummieeva  over 12 years ago

    Please bring the strip back to were it was. I have stopped reading sevral comics lately who have been doing this.

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    cdward  over 12 years ago

    Like so many good strips, Lila is now a “re-run only” strip. As JWF said, it’s just too hard to make a living at it. Especially if it’s costing you money to do it! Cartoonists, like writers, need to make their money somewhere else. Sadly.

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  3. Giancarlo
    cholomanaba  over 12 years ago

    How things are going in the world´s economy, either they “let go” the author(s) of this strip, or they are on vacation…. hope it is the second though.

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    arsmall  over 12 years ago

    Atleast JDub, Richard Thompson, Nate Cooper, and all the others came and gave us an explaination…we have no idea of what happened to Jack Pullan and Boomerangs…smh

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  5. Avt jwhouk medium
    Joseph Houk  over 12 years ago

    Sad that it ended abruptly. Sigh

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    vitormoure  over 12 years ago

    Ouch. This one made me depressed all over again about the strip being over…

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  7. Jwf
    JWF Premium Member over 12 years ago

    New strips have ended. It’s just too hard to keep doing them and not getting compensated. It’s all explained on my blog at it’s been a tough week, but am very touched by your kind comments and well wishes. Thank you so much for reading LILA. I am updating and refining all the classic strips before they’re published so if you’re new to the strip, you may enjoy the trip back to see how it all started with Lila. I’m sorry to end it so abuptly but I closed a cliffhanger in case the classics generate enough of an audience that it makes financial sense to come back. A cliffhanger may also bring the old readers back. Thank you, all, for reading Lila and for your great comments. I was here reading and enjoying them everyday and they helped me make my strip better.

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  8. Hubris
    Bryant Winterholer Premium Member over 12 years ago

    @JWF It depresses me too! I found this to be one of the best comics out there. I do hope it you can make it back again. Best of luck!

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Just like Cul de Sac which ended Lila’s ending her strip too. When did Cow and Boy ended their strip?

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  10. King
    blackdawne  over 12 years ago

    Do I have to move back to Cleveland to see Lila once again?

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