Actually there was a (proposed) series called “The Rikers” that was used a gag in interviews for a while. Frakes & Marina had a lot of fun with it.(But actually have you seen how much work he’s been getting as a Director? LeVar too!)
Admittedly speaking as an avowed Trek non-fan, DS9 was way better than all the other versions for my money (literally, I actually bought the box sets…)
Still need to make my way through the season set I picked up at a garage sale; I’ve been working on my store and so “movies I was looking to sell” have taken a higher priority on my list of DVDs to watch.
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
levar and frakes? imagine a sitcom with those two….
knarfus over 12 years ago
and what would it be called? ‘The Blind Leading The Blind’……?
LeoAutodidact over 12 years ago
Actually there was a (proposed) series called “The Rikers” that was used a gag in interviews for a while. Frakes & Marina had a lot of fun with it.(But actually have you seen how much work he’s been getting as a Director? LeVar too!)
Totalloser Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yes the Next Generation probably the worst of all of the reboots. Even Enterprise was better than that version. No action just talking = boring
James Hopkins over 12 years ago
I guess I’m in the minority when I say I loved TNG. To each their own.
madvirgo over 12 years ago
I always wanted the LinS crew to eventually reachEarth..and stay put. Even if it was the Earth in the ’60’s’…
Moriarty11 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Data comes running in waving his arms, “danger Will Riker, danger!”
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 12 years ago
The Kardashians were on Star Trek? I knew the didn’t belong to this world.
Tân Coul over 12 years ago
Admittedly speaking as an avowed Trek non-fan, DS9 was way better than all the other versions for my money (literally, I actually bought the box sets…)
johnzakour Premium Member over 12 years ago
I liked STNG better with each season.
Ironhold over 12 years ago
Still need to make my way through the season set I picked up at a garage sale; I’ve been working on my store and so “movies I was looking to sell” have taken a higher priority on my list of DVDs to watch.
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago