Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 28, 2009
Captain Eddie: Zzz... snort! Ummpph... so... uh... waeah was I? Joe: Caught in a nor-easter that sent you crashing on the shore of Tobongobongo. Flo: Aw, fer cryin' out loud, Joe! Why'd ya go and get him stahted again?! Joe: It's either that or turn on the TV so we can watch the ball game. Flo: Sigh... carry on... Captain Eddie: Did I evah tell you that I played fah the Celtics? Joe: One delusion at a time, Eddie.
Flintstoned about 15 years ago
Quick, turn on the TV.
WoodEye about 15 years ago
Why don’t you get him to tell you where the treasure is?
Wenthral about 15 years ago
Delusion?!? Pure unvarnished truth I say!!
kreole about 15 years ago
Looks like the cat doesn’t know which shoulder he is supposed to be drawn on.
sottwell about 15 years ago
Whichever side that isn’t over the pipe. Smart cat.
lewisbower about 15 years ago
The older Eddie gets, the better he was.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
The cat would rather be watching the TV, too.
js305 about 15 years ago
I still think Eddie is Homer’s latest assignment
wicky about 15 years ago
What is the cat’s name?
Wiley creator about 15 years ago
“What is the cat’s name?”
ronaldmundy about 15 years ago
you’re all worried about the cat. im still trying to figure out how they got to the other side of the counter.
pearlandpeach about 15 years ago
the perspective changed - the folks are still on their side of the counter.
thanks, Sottwell
ottod Premium Member about 15 years ago
Pauly also turns his back on the whole thing in the last panel.
gjsjr41 about 15 years ago
dirkvdk, you’re worse than Eddie.
favog about 15 years ago
Uhhh, dirkvdk, where did that come from? Does Cap’n Eddie’s hat have McCain’s name scratched out in magic marker? Is Pauly looking around for rifle shots from helicopters?
PLEASE PEOPLE! Believe Wiley! He just wants to make us laugh!!!!!!
And Wiley, you’re succeeding with me. Thanks.
Wiley creator about 15 years ago
There is nothing political about today’s cartoon, much less having anything to do with Sarah Palin. This is a cartoon board, not a political rant board.
MurphyHerself about 15 years ago
People listen so well, Wiley. It’s a never ending battle.
LOVE your work, BTW. Yesterday’s was just hysterical and I do sympathize with Lucy :)
cmugnier about 15 years ago
You never know about the Captain … some of the “wild” tales have turned out to be true! All of the people on the other side of the Sun know him well. Eventually we’ll find out about the Celtics after we find out about Tobongobongo.
Incidentally, the steamed Lobster on Tobago are excellent!
treered about 15 years ago
Wiley, LOVE this cartoon, and 99.9% of all the others (somehow i missed .1%). btw, which ball game?
Varnes about 15 years ago
Thank you for checking in at Flo’s, Wiley. I love her and Capt. Eddie, too. Let’s hang out at the diner for a while, and listen to some tales of Capt. Eddie
Logicman about 15 years ago
Wow – you know, sometimes there is a veiled political comment in even ‘fun’ strips, but I’m looking hard and NOT finding it in today’s – Gotta agree with Wiley on this one!
Tales from Capt. E are RARELY political, but always entertaining. I have to say tho I really liked the riff on Mars II where it looked like Danea’s boyfriend (OK , I gotta ask – what is his name? I’m drawing a blank!) looked as if he may step into cap’n Eddies shoes once he gets a bit older! :)
josejimenez about 15 years ago
Hey Wiley, With the Boston Cellics and the Foxboro Patriots on top of their divisions, which ball game do they not want to watch? It’s too late in the year for the Red Flops.
Wiley creator about 15 years ago
The Celtics are playing against Golden State tonight.
And I’m guessing that those comments about Palin were directed toward Doonesbury. Why they posted it here is anyone’s guess.
1148559 about 15 years ago
I think you are probably right Wiley. Doonesbury is all about Palin today.
I was trying to figure out where that comment came from until I read yours. It is totally off the wall here.
palos about 15 years ago
Wiley: Do you keep a “future events” calendar such that you can be topical, given the four to six week lead time that the comics are actually created?
Wiley creator about 15 years ago
Are you kidding?! That’s WAY too organized for a cartoonist!
keenanthelibrarian about 15 years ago
It’s marvellous where that old cray boat gets Eddie - seems to spend less and less time fishing off Maine.
btbass2 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cap’n Eddie’s cat keeps changing sides just like Igor’s hump moved from side-to-side in “Young Doctor Frankenstein” years ago.