B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for January 02, 2010

  1. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  about 15 years ago

    Happy New Year!

    Pretty much sums up how I feel about fruit cake….it’s the once a year item that should go away forever.

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  2. But eo
    Rakkav  about 15 years ago

    That’s better: Thor and his magic high-speed one-wheeler. And now we know why it’s so durable.

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  3. Images
    JerryGorton  about 15 years ago

    Not true…. There are some brands of fruitcake that are delicious. The homemade kind, not so much!!!

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  4. But eo
    Rakkav  about 15 years ago

    Perhaps we’re seeing natural selection in reverse: survival of the hardest (i.e., the good homemade ones get eaten, the bad ones get recycled and eventually purchased by Thor’s Wheels).

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  5. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Mom’s were dark with molasses and soaked in rum – another Christmas tradition I miss!!

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  6. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    And great gifts for people you loathe.

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  7. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  about 15 years ago

    No one would re-gift a fruitcake, would they?

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  8. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Why not? My Aunt actually re-gifted chocolates to my Mom. They were at least a couple years old…and looked it, too.

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  9. Palms too
    pearlandpeach  about 15 years ago

    well, I like fruit cake.. it is people like me that keep them alive and well. Besides, what was he going to exchange it for?

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  10. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  about 15 years ago

    He can exchange it for tire chains. Where’s the snow from yesterday?

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  11. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    There must have been a chinook.

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  12. Animegirl
    TashiN  about 15 years ago

    now thats an idea! if auntie’s fruitcake is too bleeep hard to eat, use it as a source of transportation :D

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  13. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Why is it that just because some people don’t like fruitcake that it becomes OK annually to denigrate and insult this lovely food?

    As Founder and President of the Fruitcake Anti-Defamation League, I protest! (Lifetime memberships available: $50. I’ll even print you a card or something.)

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  14. Tx longhorn1
    mantra79ss  about 15 years ago

    why does fruitcake weight so much?…..it is heavy as a brick, (hence, good door stop or home invasion weapon)….and why does it never spoil?….secret formula?

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  15. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago

    My sister loves fruitcake (she’s weird in her ways, I’m weird in mine), and for years has volunteered herself as a grateful recipient for those who wish to re-gift theirs.

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  16. Missing large
    1148559  about 15 years ago

    @ pschearer,

    It’s not just “some people” that don’t like fruitcake… it’s most people. Majority rules and all that.

    Then too, while I am sure that there are some fruitcakes that some people like, way too many are of the door-stop variety.

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  17. Tsali manywounds
    Tsali-Queyi  about 15 years ago

    I love a good moist fruit cake. My mother made me one every Christmas until she died and then my father-in-law made me one until he died. I haven’t had a good one in over thirty years and I surely miss it. I hate those dry store bought ones. They make good bricks, though.

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  18. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    My Mom made lots of Christmas treats, but fruitcake was never one of them. She always got the store-bought bricks.

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  19. Trumpet
    fredb49  about 15 years ago

    Hostess make a good fruit cake but I can’t find it in California anymore

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  20. Missing large
    comYics  about 15 years ago

    Could use it to knock out a dinosaur and get a huge meal.

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  21. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 15 years ago

    Joe, I love fried Spam, especially with a slice of melted cheddar on top. Did you know that all McDonald’s in Hawaii have Spam sandwiches on their menu? It seems that ever since WWII, Hawaiians have been hooked on Spam.

    pschearer, my husband says he’ll join your society…..

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  22. Missing large
    gocomicsmember  about 15 years ago

    A really good fruitcake should be mostly preserved fruits, with just enough dough to act as a binder. Also, if they are a bit dry for your taste, a hot lemon sauce poured over a slice of fruitcake makes the treat. That’s what I grew up with, and my mother used to make fruitcake every year for our family.

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