Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for October 04, 2012
getting RJ's soul back.... verne: Oh, powerful herb, grace us with your demon presence... RJ: I think I hear something. RJ: hello....all our demons are busy right now, but your soul is important to us... please hold until the next soul service representative is available. thank you... oh mandy, well you came and you gave without takin' and I sent you away... ooh, mandy- verne: Stop it!
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
barry manilow songs are hell? i thought rebecca black, or that oppan gangnam style, or one direction, or justin bieber, or call me maybe songs were hell. since, they play that over and over this summer.
KenTheCoffinDweller over 12 years ago
Once I got to listen to an entire symphony that I had not heard in years. When I thanked the Rep that finally answered She was a bit ticked and would not believe that I wasn’t being sarcastic. But they let the music play with out those annoying “All our reprentatives are still busy. Your call is important to us, please continue to hold” speeches. If you are going to play quality hold music for me then don’t interupt unless you are going to actually take my call.
the burser over 12 years ago
are you sure RJ isn’t a demon?
bubbareb over 12 years ago
Commander to invasion fleet: turn around. The humans have a weapon against which there is no defense. Abort, abort. Error, error. Must sterilize, must sterilize. Where is the Creeaattooor …
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
TheTrustedMechanic cannot seem to grasp that other people have valid opinions, that aren’t his own. I happen to be one of those crybaby right wingers, yet even if I disagree with the mechanic, I try to respect his position and use his (and others of his persuasion) position on issues to test my own. Before you criticize a person walk a mile in their shoes, it gives you a mile head start and leaves them barefoot.
mistercatworks over 12 years ago
The only thing worse than the “hold voice” telling you how cosmically important you are is the automated response system with fake key clicks, pauses and “chatty voice” which is only cute for the first five seconds.
comicnut4636 over 12 years ago
Ahhh! Barry Banana-Nose!!!!
Jeffpaul over 12 years ago
Hey! I LIKE that song!
fishbulb239 over 12 years ago
At least it ain’t country or rap.