Girl: Frazz, can I borrow your bike pump? And your camelbak?
Frazz: Sure.
Miss Plainwell: Supplemental oxygen?
Girl: Can you give me a really really really big push?
it’s the times but i am afraid because of news stories like this….“TRAVERSE CITY, MI — A school janitor convicted of having sex with a then-13-year-old female student in Traverse City has been sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.” that contact much less friendship between students and staff at schools is viewed with suspicion. Frazz can only happen in a comic because he could only be friends with the kids like he is back in the early 60’s
Nabby, baby, where are you getting those ideas from? It makes you sound extremely out of touch with the real world. Stupid or malicious in fact. You seem to be insulting your own intelligence…and you’re doing a great job, by the way…
Me, I’m more concerned about an individual who would post such crazy thoughts. You know nothing about teachers, you know nothing about life…You must be 4 years old. You evidently don’t know that you are either a brazen liar, or an idiot, or one of the anti-Amercan republicans that have been slithering around silently and evilly lately. Weasels, all!
kraftjeff over 12 years ago
I understand this may be how Felix Baumgartner got his start :D
paultunes over 12 years ago
it’s the times but i am afraid because of news stories like this….“TRAVERSE CITY, MI — A school janitor convicted of having sex with a then-13-year-old female student in Traverse City has been sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.” that contact much less friendship between students and staff at schools is viewed with suspicion. Frazz can only happen in a comic because he could only be friends with the kids like he is back in the early 60’s
richardj over 12 years ago
I’m not sure how a bike-pump head would fit to a Camelbak valve, but the kid seems to have made it work.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
I see where this is going.
TheBoigDoke over 12 years ago
Use an airbrush adaptor. That usually works.
ReneTray over 12 years ago
Varnes over 12 years ago
Nabby, baby, where are you getting those ideas from? It makes you sound extremely out of touch with the real world. Stupid or malicious in fact. You seem to be insulting your own intelligence…and you’re doing a great job, by the way…
Me, I’m more concerned about an individual who would post such crazy thoughts. You know nothing about teachers, you know nothing about life…You must be 4 years old. You evidently don’t know that you are either a brazen liar, or an idiot, or one of the anti-Amercan republicans that have been slithering around silently and evilly lately. Weasels, all!