when i first saw cheney, i really wanted to like him, as he bore a strong resemblanmce to one of my favorite character actors of all time, edward andrews. but i quickly learned how emotional images and reality can take so horrifically divergent routes. he may have been good for bush, but we all know just how abhorrently evil he was for the country.
“Smokin’ the weed”? Cheney ripped the Geneva Convention to shreds, worked relentlessly to initiate the self-destructive occupation in Iraq, threw decades of environmental protections and safeguards to the winds, and intimidated and blackmailed anyone who stood in his way. That’s fact, and I say that as someone who has immense respect for John McCain.
I’m looking forward to Winslow’s appearance in this Thursday’s debate! He ought to do well. He’s more likable than Paul Ryan and more intelligent than Joe Biden.
firedome over 12 years ago
when i first saw cheney, i really wanted to like him, as he bore a strong resemblanmce to one of my favorite character actors of all time, edward andrews. but i quickly learned how emotional images and reality can take so horrifically divergent routes. he may have been good for bush, but we all know just how abhorrently evil he was for the country.
tigre1again over 12 years ago
And we’ll never find out who they killed for his latest heart.
KPOM over 12 years ago
Is Winslow old enough to be VP? What’s the conversion rate of coyote years to human years?
TheSpanishInquisition over 12 years ago
“Smokin’ the weed”? Cheney ripped the Geneva Convention to shreds, worked relentlessly to initiate the self-destructive occupation in Iraq, threw decades of environmental protections and safeguards to the winds, and intimidated and blackmailed anyone who stood in his way. That’s fact, and I say that as someone who has immense respect for John McCain.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
Nice look Winslow.
KPOM over 12 years ago
I’m looking forward to Winslow’s appearance in this Thursday’s debate! He ought to do well. He’s more likable than Paul Ryan and more intelligent than Joe Biden.