Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for October 13, 2012
the defense may make an opening statement! Man: Denny crane. denny crane? den-ny crane. denny crande! RJ: we're in trouble. verne: what? He didn't say anything. he just repeated his name. ...he's got the judge eating out of his hand. mouse: what? man: Denny crane.
rayannina over 12 years ago
He offered the judge a discount on airline tickets.
Tue Elung-Jensen over 12 years ago
Not really “out of his hand” but out of a container he is holding in his hand.
QuiteDragon over 12 years ago
Boston Legal. Well worth watching.
jreckard over 12 years ago
It ain’t over til he lights a cigar.
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
captain kirk is now a lawyer?. i thought he was a starfleet captain, a cop, and the priceline adman.
Ermine Notyours over 12 years ago
William Shatner must have a good agent. Where else can a man named Shatner star in a show with “S—-” in its title?
TheDOCTOR over 12 years ago
The container should have read PROMISE Margarine. That would have been a Blast from the past…..and funny.