But, the big question, the one weights heavily on my mind and certainly should be on yours, indeed a question that affects the entire GoComics community, may even bias elections in several countries, alter the color of Gluons…Will Scooter accept Gary’s sheep into the flock?
Bev — I was going to answer your question yesterday too….but it keeps getting late.
Funny how time does that.
Now I’m sleepy, so I hope this makes sense…
I said it in a confusing way… I didn’t mean never click on links that might lead to pictures…
I meant IF you’ve been warned that this site has been compromised, possibly by a malicious image…and IF you don’t know the offending URL, or the site from which the picture came, THEN you should not only avoid ALL links but (and you probably would never do this) don’t right-click any picture to see where it came from and go there to try to see it larger or view more images.
In this case we were given the name of the dangerous site… so other links are probably OK, or as OK as they are the rest of the time…it’s never TOTALLY safe, so always run antivirus software!
Right-clicking a picture and choosing to view its properties will tell you its provenance.And hovering on a link will show the URL at the bottom of your browser.Just make sure to avoid the reportedly malicious site.
And BTW — I can rhymeany timeit’s not too smart to make me start!It isn’t right this time of nightto subject these folks to all my jokes…much less my verse…it only gets worse.
One thought comes to mind.Better a sheep than a rabbit.Run Away Run Away!And remember how to answer the question three err ye cross to the other side.Sorry got to go the chihuahua wants attention.
kajdsirjrjjjjldkfljldkljfSorry chihuahua trying to type. Scratching at the key board.Went to see the Meaning of Life in a theater when it first came out.Not many in there but a few.Was soo funny to watch people get up and walk out shaking their heads or gagging in disgust.There I sat laughing my self silly.By the time the final credits rolled I was all by myself.Wink Wink Say no more Say no more.Into Sports ehh? Photographs ehh?Say no more, SAY NO MORE.and the kicker. Whats it like?
Yes…… Gary we see you and peace be with you too….you have done the work of many hands….the camel hump and the sunglass is a nice touch. Ballard Street Rules……
Gotta another Highway Patrol story.Truck driver tragically killed in an accident.Swerved to miss a bus full of kids. Great sacrifice.Found himself in Heaven with St. Peter.St. Peter said Hey God needs drivers. You interested?He goes Yeah.Come over here and see your ride.There sat a big Peterbilt, full decked out, all the bells and whistles, big CAT diesel, huge fuel tanks, a truckers dream.St. Peter went come on lets take it out.Down the road they went, clean and green, sun shinning, wide open, so the driver opened that beautiful truck up. Wind in his hair feeling on top of the world.Suddenly his detector went off. He looked in his rear view mirror.There behind him was a big black and white patrol unit fully equipped lights a flashing and a figure pointing to pull over.The driver went who the heck is that?St. Peter went Oh thats God he always want to be a Texas Highway Patrolman.Story told to me when I was green newbee by my late partner.
My great nephew arrived to join the family this morning at 3:56 am (Eastern Time)….finally! He is a healthy 19" long and 5lbs. 10 oz. Everything went smoothly and everybody is happy!
Y’know, Gary has a point. Plant a bunch of e’m out in a distant pasture and write them off as a business expense. Sheep don’t ever seem to move anyway; and unless lamb, taste about as bad as alligator, snake, turtle and any other reptilian creature (haven’t tried iguana, yet. See today’s B.C. Way too funny!)
Too bad it’s not a cow. I love to go cow tipping! Hey! I know! Let’s all make sheep and put them in that big pasture near beviek’s place and charge admission and people can judge them!
CONGRATS TO LORENZO.Told you he would EMERGE. Hope all is wellREPOC My man.Ian Anderson One legged playing the flute.Brother of Jon Anderson of Yes.Jethro Tull still on Tour and coming to Texas 10-26,27 28.Thick as a Brick Tour.Man I had all those albums just forgot about them over the years.Loved “He is not the one you have to wind up on Sunday”Strong words.Pointed out the homeless a very long time ago.“Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.”“Sun streaking cold an old man wanders lonely taking time the only way he knows”“Leg hurting bad he bends to pick a dog-end.”“He goes down to the bog and warms his feet”Hey Aqualung.(I always thought he was saying doggett. I knew it was a spent cigarette never heard the -end.)Long time no hear that.
The Lyrics to Jethro Tull“My God”It is what made me not go to churches. No issues with chuches just believe this stronglyHe is in me, around me, carries me, and loves me. Church not needed for I am the church and He is always there.I never have to seek or ask.He knows what I NEED and will always present a way. It is up to me to make the move.
ahm hurt Bev… Ah thot yew had moor confa dense in mah skilz…. (okey, so ah din’t hav tyme ta paynt it…)This one is titaled “Wilson” (dont no why, teh name jus popped inta mah hed) :())
And Storm wants to be a zombie!!!!!!Try my wife’s cooking.I told her one day “Next time honey could you kill it first.”Ate left overs for a week.She does not like to “over cook” the food.But C’mon man that macaroni was a little TOO al dente.(I sense some confusion.)You have never hunted the mighty stag macaroni? What a majestic sight. The lone stag macaroni looking over his herd in the field of melted cheese.I mean after all my wife and I are sort of Vegans. We don’t eat meat.What did you think I was talking about.Ewwwwwwww.
C’mon Sheriff, You are scaring the cows.We call that here in TexasPasture Art.Even show it at the State Fair.I would vote that for the ribbon.(Oh and be sure to wash your hands afterwards.)(Oh and scrape your boots)
Ahm Dunnnn!!!! (wutcha think)Now wear did ah put thet can of Krylon….?DANG…. itz emtee…!!!HEY Stel, SS…. Bev… aliddle hep here pleez….Wilson looks a liddle pail…. ya got sum hilites, er glitter er mayby sum pokey dots werthy of BS….???
Congratulations, Auntie StelBel!Welcome Lorenzo…10-11-12!!Your whole extended family must be short on sleep!
Meanwhile… wow, who knew we had a great Monkey sculptor in our midst….I think…waiting for the final version…
I’d think monkey feet would be an advantage in the sculpture department… you can hold two chisels and two hammers…. if you can keep your balance.But you even have a tail to help with THAT.
Johnny D… if you come back (LOL) ….
No, in a chat room, nobody is pretending… um nobody admits to pretending to be characters in a gigantic soap opera…
Ballard St. is a world unto itself…a lovely place, if you stick around!You can be what you like.
Thank you, everyone, for sharing in the celebration of Lorenzo’s arrival! He’s the first one of his generation in our family and the only one to have an extra-special birthdate…..
(PS: I’ll be busy tomorrow and Saturday, packing for vacation and travelling. I’ll try to check in and will definitely catch up with you all on Sunday. Catch you all later!)
@StelBel,THANKYOU! tho’ I am very much a ‘end user’ type of gal – all those URL codes make my nose bleed. But I will try! Thanks for posting the BIG MERINO for me. Orstrilla. The Land of Big Things.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Gary’s also gone off the pegs a bit. Last week it was a Trojan Horse made from… ah… nevermind !
Downundergirl over 12 years ago
Wonder if Gary is from New Zealand?
el8 over 12 years ago
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
Looks more like the Trojan Dromedary.Maybe it’s packed with bare-butt cigarettes.
margueritem over 12 years ago
It was the only way he could think of to give it eyes.
x_Tech over 12 years ago
You know if we couldn’t see Gary’s thumb, that would be a very rude hand gesture.
x_Tech over 12 years ago
But, the big question, the one weights heavily on my mind and certainly should be on yours, indeed a question that affects the entire GoComics community, may even bias elections in several countries, alter the color of Gluons…Will Scooter accept Gary’s sheep into the flock?
Superfrog over 12 years ago
Dolly? Is that ewe?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi Marg —
Nice to see you back!I, like Bev, was going to say the same thing.
Almost everybody on Ballard St wears glasses… I’m not sure they have any other idea of how eyes could look.
And Briatollah…. my first thought was “camel,” too.The hump, the height, even the haughty expression…
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Thanks for the steaks and ale, Linguist.Nice party.
And Monkey, the answer to your question last night was obviously “si” … since you’re hanging upside down in that tree.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh…. and Dogsniff….we don’t have a lot of Scotsmen on Ballard St.
One more…. JohnnyD — last night I forgot to welcome you to the neighborhood.Sorry.
Monkey, if you climb down, maybe you and Red could favor us with a little guitar music…so nice when you guys jam.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Bev — I was going to answer your question yesterday too….but it keeps getting late.
Funny how time does that.
Now I’m sleepy, so I hope this makes sense…
I said it in a confusing way… I didn’t mean never click on links that might lead to pictures…
I meant IF you’ve been warned that this site has been compromised, possibly by a malicious image…and IF you don’t know the offending URL, or the site from which the picture came, THEN you should not only avoid ALL links but (and you probably would never do this) don’t right-click any picture to see where it came from and go there to try to see it larger or view more images.
In this case we were given the name of the dangerous site… so other links are probably OK, or as OK as they are the rest of the time…it’s never TOTALLY safe, so always run antivirus software!
Right-clicking a picture and choosing to view its properties will tell you its provenance.And hovering on a link will show the URL at the bottom of your browser.Just make sure to avoid the reportedly malicious site.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh – Hi Red…. didn’t see you while I was typing all that…but I hope you’re going to play something…
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
And BTW — I can rhymeany timeit’s not too smart to make me start!It isn’t right this time of nightto subject these folks to all my jokes…much less my verse…it only gets worse.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh… thanks Red… for the songs and the compliment!Never heard of him but he’s funny.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
And goodnight…or I guess good morning, if I missed you and you don’t see it till then. :)
I’m 3 hours earlier but it’s my bedtime too. Practically dawn for you!
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
One thought comes to mind.Better a sheep than a rabbit.Run Away Run Away!And remember how to answer the question three err ye cross to the other side.Sorry got to go the chihuahua wants attention.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
kajdsirjrjjjjldkfljldkljfSorry chihuahua trying to type. Scratching at the key board.Went to see the Meaning of Life in a theater when it first came out.Not many in there but a few.Was soo funny to watch people get up and walk out shaking their heads or gagging in disgust.There I sat laughing my self silly.By the time the final credits rolled I was all by myself.Wink Wink Say no more Say no more.Into Sports ehh? Photographs ehh?Say no more, SAY NO MORE.and the kicker. Whats it like?
StelBel over 12 years ago
Gary dreams of building this…..someday…..
Lefty2 over 12 years ago
Yes…… Gary we see you and peace be with you too….you have done the work of many hands….the camel hump and the sunglass is a nice touch. Ballard Street Rules……
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Gotta another Highway Patrol story.Truck driver tragically killed in an accident.Swerved to miss a bus full of kids. Great sacrifice.Found himself in Heaven with St. Peter.St. Peter said Hey God needs drivers. You interested?He goes Yeah.Come over here and see your ride.There sat a big Peterbilt, full decked out, all the bells and whistles, big CAT diesel, huge fuel tanks, a truckers dream.St. Peter went come on lets take it out.Down the road they went, clean and green, sun shinning, wide open, so the driver opened that beautiful truck up. Wind in his hair feeling on top of the world.Suddenly his detector went off. He looked in his rear view mirror.There behind him was a big black and white patrol unit fully equipped lights a flashing and a figure pointing to pull over.The driver went who the heck is that?St. Peter went Oh thats God he always want to be a Texas Highway Patrolman.Story told to me when I was green newbee by my late partner.
StelBel over 12 years ago
He’s here!!!
My great nephew arrived to join the family this morning at 3:56 am (Eastern Time)….finally! He is a healthy 19" long and 5lbs. 10 oz. Everything went smoothly and everybody is happy!
Welcome to the world, Lorenzo !
davidh48 over 12 years ago
Y’know, Gary has a point. Plant a bunch of e’m out in a distant pasture and write them off as a business expense. Sheep don’t ever seem to move anyway; and unless lamb, taste about as bad as alligator, snake, turtle and any other reptilian creature (haven’t tried iguana, yet. See today’s B.C. Way too funny!)
Storm F-1/4 over 12 years ago
Too bad it’s not a cow. I love to go cow tipping! Hey! I know! Let’s all make sheep and put them in that big pasture near beviek’s place and charge admission and people can judge them!
Storm F-1/4 over 12 years ago
I have a question. Actually I have 4356 questions but more later. Halloween is coming and I was wondering…where is the haunted house?!?!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
That’s a very nice sheep, Gary. you should be proud.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
CONGRATS TO LORENZO.Told you he would EMERGE. Hope all is wellREPOC My man.Ian Anderson One legged playing the flute.Brother of Jon Anderson of Yes.Jethro Tull still on Tour and coming to Texas 10-26,27 28.Thick as a Brick Tour.Man I had all those albums just forgot about them over the years.Loved “He is not the one you have to wind up on Sunday”Strong words.Pointed out the homeless a very long time ago.“Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.”“Sun streaking cold an old man wanders lonely taking time the only way he knows”“Leg hurting bad he bends to pick a dog-end.”“He goes down to the bog and warms his feet”Hey Aqualung.(I always thought he was saying doggett. I knew it was a spent cigarette never heard the -end.)Long time no hear that.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
The Lyrics to Jethro Tull“My God”It is what made me not go to churches. No issues with chuches just believe this stronglyHe is in me, around me, carries me, and loves me. Church not needed for I am the church and He is always there.I never have to seek or ask.He knows what I NEED and will always present a way. It is up to me to make the move.
rw1h over 12 years ago
The glasses are there so we can tell which way he is pointing…
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
ahm hurt Bev… Ah thot yew had moor confa dense in mah skilz…. (okey, so ah din’t hav tyme ta paynt it…)This one is titaled “Wilson” (dont no why, teh name jus popped inta mah hed) :())
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
And Storm wants to be a zombie!!!!!!Try my wife’s cooking.I told her one day “Next time honey could you kill it first.”Ate left overs for a week.She does not like to “over cook” the food.But C’mon man that macaroni was a little TOO al dente.(I sense some confusion.)You have never hunted the mighty stag macaroni? What a majestic sight. The lone stag macaroni looking over his herd in the field of melted cheese.I mean after all my wife and I are sort of Vegans. We don’t eat meat.What did you think I was talking about.Ewwwwwwww.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
C’mon Sheriff, You are scaring the cows.We call that here in TexasPasture Art.Even show it at the State Fair.I would vote that for the ribbon.(Oh and be sure to wash your hands afterwards.)(Oh and scrape your boots)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
HAHAHA….!!!!Fooled ya’ll…!!!!
that wuz jus teh conception al modal….!!! (jus fer practis)
heres teh next wun….
“Wilson Part Dew”
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
ah thinks ah got teh jist of it… now fur the finial peace….(jus giv me a cupple moor hors ours….
chip chip chink*
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
(….all most done…. )
chink chip chip chink*
(thup… *&%^$%&!!!)
x_Tech over 12 years ago
I see the Cats are jamming at the Tiki tonight.
Downundergirl over 12 years ago
Whoa. I missed the party (again)
I wanted to show you all the BIG MARINO in NSW, but don’t know how to add images:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Merinohow do you all do THAT?
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Ahm Dunnnn!!!! (wutcha think)Now wear did ah put thet can of Krylon….?DANG…. itz emtee…!!!HEY Stel, SS…. Bev… aliddle hep here pleez….Wilson looks a liddle pail…. ya got sum hilites, er glitter er mayby sum pokey dots werthy of BS….???
Thanx!!! :())
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
(Ah chunked his nose wen ah shouda chinked)
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Howdy all….just passing through…
Congratulations, Auntie StelBel!Welcome Lorenzo…10-11-12!!Your whole extended family must be short on sleep!
Meanwhile… wow, who knew we had a great Monkey sculptor in our midst….I think…waiting for the final version…
I’d think monkey feet would be an advantage in the sculpture department… you can hold two chisels and two hammers…. if you can keep your balance.But you even have a tail to help with THAT.
Johnny D… if you come back (LOL) ….
No, in a chat room, nobody is pretending… um nobody admits to pretending to be characters in a gigantic soap opera…
Ballard St. is a world unto itself…a lovely place, if you stick around!You can be what you like.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
When yall are dun, ahl takim’ over to teh Tiki Bar… we’ll stik a lampshade on his hed… Storm, ya got wun layin around???
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Missed ya Suzi…!!! cudda yoused yer hep… butt ah did it dunn finished…!!!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Sorry Monkey!I was too busy talking when I shoulda been listening!But I’ll bring some glittert…don’t really think he needs it!
Great job!
A quick daiquiri then I need to do laundry.
If your feet are tired after all that chiseling…. I’ll be back again later…
StelBel over 12 years ago
Thank you, everyone, for sharing in the celebration of Lorenzo’s arrival! He’s the first one of his generation in our family and the only one to have an extra-special birthdate…..
StelBel over 12 years ago
(PS: I’ll be busy tomorrow and Saturday, packing for vacation and travelling. I’ll try to check in and will definitely catch up with you all on Sunday. Catch you all later!)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
By Stel…!!! Safe passage…!!!!
Downundergirl over 12 years ago
@StelBel,THANKYOU! tho’ I am very much a ‘end user’ type of gal – all those URL codes make my nose bleed. But I will try! Thanks for posting the BIG MERINO for me. Orstrilla. The Land of Big Things.
Tigressy over 2 years ago
Poor Claude…
Plods with ...™ over 2 years ago
Maybe the glasses are for the person looking at it to make it look like a sheep.
Whoa. Darkness in the movie poster is a dead giveaway…. That you’re not going to see half of what’s going on on the screen. @ cleoandcompany.net
Good morning Poster phans! Mom’s shopping day….
Computer’s being a PITA this morning, so y’all have a good day. ((((((HuGz!)))))